I Don't Care - Cam x Kyrie

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I remember playing Kyrie for the first time. The way he ran up and down the court, how he made everything look so effortlessly. How he smiled at me after the game. How....

"Cam!" RJ said snapping me out of my thoughts. I was spending the week with a few of the guys, which included Kyrie, since it was the off-season.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I said.

"Yeah about your boyfriend." Zion nagged me.

"Shut up I was not." I said shaking my head.

"Boyfriend?" Bradley asked looking away from John for the first time in a few hours.

"I don't have a boyfriend, Zions just being stupid."

"Yeah but you wish he was your boyfriend." Zion said.

"Who?!" They all asked.

"No one." I sighed.

"Kyrie." Zion said and i glared at him. RJ's smile fell.

"I don't like Kyrie, I don't know where he gets that from." I said and as soon as I said that Kyrie walked over.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing?" He asked us and we all said something along the lines of nothing. "Well that's cool I guess?" He said and we all laughed. "Can I join?" He asked and we all nodded. He sat beside me and Zion wiggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and I listened to everyone talk. I was never a big fan of talking with a bunch of people. "What do you think Cam?" Kyrie asked me.

"I'm sorry what? I wasn't paying attention." I said and he smiled.

"It's fine, we were just wondering what we should do later today." He said and I shrugged.

"What ever you wanna do." I said and everyone cooked at me. "Shut up!" I said and I felt my face go red. "I didn't mean it that way! I meant what ever you guys wanted to do I would do!" I said and I put my head in my hands. "Why are you all my friends?" I grumbled.

"Am I missing something?" Kyrie asked.

"No!" I said as everyone said yes.

"Ok?" Kyrie said confused.

"Cam just had a crush on you." John said and my head shot up.

"What?! N-n-no I don't!" I exclaimed. "They've been making fun of me all day, don't believe anything that they say." I said and Kyrie nodded slowly.

"Mk." He said and i sighed and leaned back in my chair and started to drink my water. "You are kind of cute though." He said and I sat up quickly and I choked on my water. I started to have a coughing fit and everyone was laughing their heads off.

"Are you ok?" Bradley asked and I looked up. Everyone was laughing but RJ.

"Y-y-yeah." I stuttered. Everyone started to laugh even more. "Ok I get it yeah haha it's funny." I said and Zion smirked at me.

"Well don't you think he's cute Cam? He gave you a compliment why don't you give him one." Zion said and I huffed and sat back in my chair. Slowly everyone stopped laughing and it got awkwardly quiet.

"I'm probably gonna head out." I said and I stood up and said bye to everyone. "See y'all later tonight." I said and they all nodded. I was walking away when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Cam." Kyrie said and I stopped and turned around. "Do you really like me?" He asked me and I stared at the ground.

"I um uh...."

"Cause I like you too." He said and I looked at him smiling.

"Really?!" I asked him smiling and he nodded. I don't know what swept over me but I pressed my lips against his. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back. After a long slow kiss we pulled away from each other.

"I'm gonna get going." He said with a light blush kn his cheeks.

"Yeah me too, I'll see you later Kyrie." I said and I walked back into the hotel lobby. "RJ!" I said and I ran over to him. He was sitting on the sofa looking at him phone. "RJ Kyrie likes me back and and..."

"Cam he's eight years older than you!" He said looking at me.

"So?!" I asked him smiling.

"So?! So?! Cam he's in a totally different period of life than you are! You can't date and marry someone in a whole 'nother period of time in there life than you! He'll be retired before your twenty five!"

"First off he won't be retired he'll be like thirty two and second of all it doesn't matter does it RJ? If I truly love him and he truly loves me than why does it matter how old I am verses him?" I asked him.

"Cam I'm your friend and I wanna help you."

"Well I don't care what you think! I don't care what other people think! If Kyrie loves me than I'm gonna love him and that's the end of it!" I snapped and he sighed and nodded.

"Don't Tell me I didn't warn you." He said and he stood up and walked away.

"Wait RJ!" I said and he turned around. "Your still gonna be my friend right?" I asked him worried.

"Of course I will. I'll always be here for you." He said and I smiled and nodded. Truth was though even though he was my friend I still cared for Kyrie. Who cares if he's almost ten years older than me? Who cares if he'll retire eight years before me? None of that matters as long as we love each other. And I don't care if he's older than me and Kyrie shouldn't care either. We should just worry about loving each other. No one needs to worry about what other people think, only what they think about themselves.

Two stories in one day Woo! So this wasn't requested by anyone, I just came up with this in my own. I'm completely out of ideas and I'm in a writing mood right now so please request something! Please! I really wanna write a story lol.

- Kyrie_MVP 💕

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