Writings - Damian x CJ

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I'm back! ..... Hopefully. Anyways, so I'm trying something new today! I'm trying a SoulMate story. I've tried writing a few of them but they've never seemed to come out well. If you guys could comment if you liked it or not that would be great. Also to everyone who has a request I will get them out at some point I'm so sorry you guys have probably been waiting around for months for them and I'm just not into them right now. I'm so sorry! Please bear with me. Anyways tell me how this goes.

When your born your born with words that you soulmate will tell you. It doesn't have to be the first time you meet, they just have to tell you one thing and you just have to tell them another thing. I'm convinced I don't have a soulmate. My phrase is. Your hot. Yeah basic. Since I'm an NBA player I get it all the time. I guess I just haven't said the right thing back? "Damian?!" CJ said snapping me back into reality.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked looking at the group of men staring at me.

"Nothing you just zoned out." CJ said and he smiled at me. To be honest I want CJ to be my soulmate but that's never gonna happen. There's millions of people in the world what's the chance he's mine? I sighed at the thought and payed attention to what they were talking about. They were all laughing over something. Slowly one by one everyone hug CJ and I left. Well I couldn't leave it was my house and CJ usually stayed the night when everyone came over. "I don't know enough about you." CJ said and I laughed.

"CJ you know everything about me, you practically are me you know so much." He laughed and nodded.

"I'm not saying that's not true I just wanna get to know a little more about you. That's not a bad thing is it? To get to know your friend?"

"No it's not bad." I said shrugging. "At least I hope not." He nodded. We started to ask each other questions.

"How's your sex life?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Not to bad I mean I don't prefer to have someone new in my bed every night."

"Really?" He asked smirking. He knew I hated the label I had. He knew I hated it that everyone thought I fucked any and everyone I could. I hit his arm.

"Shut up."

"That's what you told your hoe last night." He said with a smirk I could have slapped off his face.

"Well Mr. Know it all, hows your sex life?"

"Better than yours." He scoffed.

"And you know that cause?"

"I don't I'm just being cocky."

"Exactly." I said leaning back into the sofa.

"Your masturbate?"

"I don't think that's a question CJ." I said and he rolled his eyes at me. "That's like me asking you if you play basketball. Of course I do, doesn't ever man?"

"You watch porn?"

"Yeah." I said nodding.

"What type?"

"Depends. How bout you CJ? You masturbate, you watch porn?"

"Of course I do Damian how could I not?" I shrugged. "You used toys?"

"Yeah." I said nodding. "Not always though."

"Damian's nasty." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. He smiled at me and my heart melted he was so cute.


"Duh. Just as obvious as the last two." I chuckled and nodded. "What's something you've always wanted to tell me?" I said and he looked away.

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