2/8/20 - Tre x Cassius

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So in honor of Duke's huge win tonight I thought'd I'd do something for it, and this is what I came up with. I hope y'all like it 🤞

I watched the shot go in as the clock expired and I felt him throw his arms around me. "Tre!" He screamed. "You did it! We're going into Over Time!" He said smiling at me as others swarmed us. We all settled down once we remembered there was still a game to play. We walked out onto the court and he glanced at me, smiled, and nodded. He walked over to center court to do the jump. He didn't win the tip but we got the ball. I immediately drove and scored. Cassius smiled after me as I ran back down the court.
"What?!" Cassius and I exclaimed at the same time as the ref called a foul on him. "No!" I said and I sighed and walked over to the players on the court.

"Win it for me. K?" Cassius said to me as he walked off the court. I nodded and he smiled. The game was back and forth until they were up by five with twenty seconds left. It was our ball and I did what I knew how to do best. I drove. The ref blew his whistle as I got pushed from the basket. I watched the ball go in and Cassius smiled at me from the side line. "And one!" He exclaimed smiling and going crazy with the team. I made the free throw and Coach called his last time out. We played hard defense and Coach Roy was forced to call a time out. I sat down and glanced up at Cassius and my heart skipped a beat. He flashed me his signature smile. He sure was smiley tonight. Every time I looked at him he smiled at me. I focused back on Coach as he told us what to do. I stood up and was walking on to the court when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and it was Cassius. "Hey Tre. You got this." He said and I nodded. "Don't just win it for me, win it for every Duke fan out there." I let go of his hand as I walked away.
In desperation I shot the ball and it was way off, but Wendell caught my miss and made a layup at the buzzer. The whole team freaked out and ran over to him and tackled him on the ground. Something about Cassius laying on top of Wendell made me feel a certain way. I stood in the middle of the court watching them laugh. It's like they were the only two I could see even though half the team was on the ground. "Hey good game." Vernon said walking up to me and I jumped out of my trance.

"Oh yeah, thank you. You did well too. Well, when you were actually playing." I nagged and he rolled his eyes at me.

"What ever Jones." He said and I laughed. He walked over to the mess of a team on the ground and pulled Cassius up and undescretly turned him towards me. He smiled at me and ran over to me.

"Your so lucky Wendell was there to get your miss." He said and I nodded slowly disappointed he wasn't gonna say anything about what I had done for the team tonight. I'm never the type to brag, and I try to not let my ego get to big, but I did know I did good tonight.

"Yeah." I nodded. "He did really good tonight. It was the right choice on K's part to start him." I said and he agreed. "You did really good as well."

"Stop!" He said smiling. "I fouled out half way through OT."

"So? You still did amazing. If it wasn't for you we couldn't have gone into OT."

"Actually if it wasn't for all of us we wouldn't have gone into OT."

"Yeah." I said softer than I intended and I nodded slowly. I glanced behind me and noticed I had to go to an interview. "I'll be back." I said and I ran over. She asked me a few questions about the game and then I walked away. I glanced behind me to where Cassius used to be but he wasn't there anymore. He was with Alex, Jordan, Vernon, and Wendell. I walked into the locker room and sat down at the locker I was using.

"Why aren't you out there with the team?" Coach asked me walking in and I shrugged.

"I don't know. Don't really feel like it."

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