Merry Christmas - Damian x CJ

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"Wake up baby!" He said running into the room.

"CJ!" I groaned and I threw a pillow over my face to hide the light. "Why did you get me up so early?"

"It's eight thirty Dame it's not that early." He said and he pulled the pillow off of me. "Come on its Christmas." He said and i sighed and got up. I got dressed and ready for the day. "Finally." He said and i walked out of my closet.

"Shut up!" I said smiling at him. "I have to look nice because I never know if your gonna propose to me today or not."

"Don't get to crazy Dame, I don't even have a ring yet." He said and I laughed. To be honest it hurt that he wasn't ready to propose to me. I've been ready to get engaged for about three months now and I'm just worried it's taking so long for him to be ready. We walked into the living room together and there were a bunch of wrapped boxes under the tree. Some of them I put under the tree last night and others he did while I was asleep. "Looks like Santa came last night." He said and I laughed.

"If your Santa then you're the sexiest Santa I've ever seen." I said and he laughed.

"Mmm I don't think Santa is gay." He said and I laughed and leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled at him. He kissed me softly and a warm feeling spread through my whole body that I never wanted to go away. He smiled at me and he sat down. "So are you gonna open your gifts or do you wanna do that later?"

"Can we open them now?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course baby." He said smiling at me. I opened most of mine. I picked up the last box and started to open it. A white box started to show and I looked at him smiling. I unwrapped the rest of it and held the new iPhone 11 in my hands.

"Awww Baby thank you!" I said smiling and I hugged him. "How did you know I wanted it?"

"You haven't stopped talking about it." He said and I laughed. "There's two rules that go with it." He said and I nodded. "One of your backgrounds has to be of us." He said and I nodded. "And your password has to be CJ Loves You. You can decide how to do that with capitals and spaces and stuff but it has to be that."

"Your so sweet i can't take it!" I said and he laughed.

"When ever I'm gone you can keep unlocking your phone to remind you of me." He said and I laughed. "And when ever we get mad at each other I know that you always go to your office and look on your phone so after you think I'm mad at you and hate you it can be a reminder that I'll always love you." He said and I leaned against him.

"I love you so much CJ." I said softly and he wrapped his hand around mine.

"I love you too." He said and I smiled.

"You wanna open your presents?" I asked him and he nodded. "It's not really a lot." I said and he shrugged.

"I don't care, you could wrap a rock and I would be fine with it." He said and I laughed.

"Well you could have told me that earlier." I said and he rolled his eyes. He opened a few presents that were just shirts and pictures of us and cute couple things. He picked up a small box. "Actually, that's last." I said and he nodded slowly. He set it aside and opened a few more presents. He picked up the small box and unwrapped it. He opened the box and he gasped and jumped up and ran outside. I followed him smiling. "No way!" He said looking back at me. "A Rolls Royce!" He said wide eyed. I pressed the bottom on the wall to open the garage door as I walked out. His head quickly turned to watch the door open. He ran over to it and unlocked it. He got in the drivers seat and he put his hands on the wheel. His finger ran across about where the Two and Three would be on a clock. He ran his thumb over it again and looked at it. He looked at me smiling. I had had a heart engraved in the steering wheel so he could always remember I loved him. He got out and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." He whispered. "Not because you give me nice things but because you get joy out of giving them to me. You really do love me Damian and it makes me feel so much happier to see you smile every day."

"I don't really know what to say to that." I said and he laughed and kissed me quickly. "Did you notice what type or Rolls Royce it was?" I asked him and he turned around and opened the back doors and his jaw dropped.

"Baby!" He whined. "The Phantom is like $500,000!"

"Yeah I know." I said.

"Then why'd you but it?"

"Because like me with my gifts, you wouldn't stop talking about the 2019 model and how it has a fridge and TV and feet rests and all this cool stuff." I said and he frowned.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have talked about it then you wouldn't have spent so much on if."

"Baby it's Fine." I Said smiling. "As Long As i get to drive it."

"You know you will." He said and he held the keys in his hand smiling. "I love you."

"I love you too."
"Hey Damian." CJ said and I turned to look at him. "I've got one more gift for you. I know it's late and after dinner and we opened presents at like 9 this morning but I have to give this to you." He said and I nodded slowly. "Before I give it to you I wanna say something." He said. "I love you Damian. From the moment you walked through the doors and I saw you for the first time I knew you were special. I knew there was something about you that was different from everybody else. We got to know each other and the more I got to know you the more I started to fall in love with you. That's what I am Damian. I'm in love with you. There's nobody else in this world who could make me smile after I go 0-20 in practice. There's nobody who can make me laugh after we lose a tough game. I love you Damian more than anything in this world. Basketball was my life until I met you Damian. You flipped my whole world upside down. Damian my last gift to you will last a lot longer than any gift we've given each other today. I'll last longer than the car you gave me or the phone I gave you. This will last forever Damian, and I know we love each other so I feel there's no better time than to ask you now." He said. "Damian Lillard." He said getting down on one knee and pulling a box out of his back pocket. "Will you marry me?" He asked looking up at me and I started to nod because I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth.

"Yes!" I said smiling. "Yes, yes, yes!" I said as he stood up smiling. He slid the ring on my finger and he looked at me smiling. He wrapped his arms around me and he pressed his lips against mine. "I love you so much CJ." I whispered against his lips.

"I love you too Damian." He said. "Merry Christmas Baby." He said smiling softly.

"Merry Christmas."

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