Broken - Paul x Donovan

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Heyyyy so I know I haven't posted in literally FOREVER, but I'm getting back into writing! I'm writing a few one-shots, I'm working on the PG & Donovan book, the CJ & Dame book, and a few other things so I've been busy lately lol. Anyways, y'all knew with all this losing I was gonna post something. (I mean you probably didn't because I never post anymore, but you secretly had a gut feeling right?... just say yes) Anyways, this is a ship that I pretty much made up, their friend irl and idk I just feel like they would go good together. I don't think I need to explain what this chapter is about soooo enjoy?

I walked off the court with my hands over my head as tears fell down my face. I let out a sob then composed myself as everyone looked at me. I just.... i tried so hard. Why wasn't it enough? Why did I have to fall? Why did I have to get the turnover? Why was it me? I ran my hands over my face to wipe the tears away as I got pulled into an interview. Why did I have to have an interview right after this? Don't they understand what this feels like?

I walked out of the interview room with my head down. I sat down in the locker room and I felt everyone's eyes on me. "I'm...." The words got caught in my throat as I tried to talk.

"Donovan Mitchel don't you dare let 'I'm sorry' come out of your mouth. Don't even think it." Mike said and I glanced over at him.

"Don't you feel responsible though? We're the ones who started all this nonsense, shouldn't we have at least made it past the first round?" I asked as my voice shook.

"What do you mean?" Rudy asked.

"What do you mean?!" I scoffed looking up. "Actually let me rephrase that. You started all of this, your the reason we're in this bubble in the first place. It's not my fault, it's not Mikes fault, it's not Jordan's fault, it's not J..."

"Donovan." Mike said and I looked over at him. "Breathe." He said and I let a breath out I didn't know I was holding in.

"I... I have to go." I said quickly when emotions swept over me. "Y'all don't need to see me like this." I said grabbing my stuff and staring at the ground as I started to walk out. I didn't change or anything, I didn't care, I want out of this place.

"Donovan it's okay, to be a team we have to see each other at our low points. Besides we're here for you..."

"But your not here for me!" I snapped. "And I need to be with someone who is. Someone who feels my pain as much as they feel theirs." I said. "I know y'all mean well and so do I, I'm not doing this cause I'm trying to get away from y'all or because I hate y'all, I just need to be with someone else right now." I said and I walked out. The breeze hit my face as I started to walk back to the hotel. I knew I should have left with the team, I just needed out, because now I'm stuck walking three and a half miles back to the hotels. I didn't have much with me so I started to jog which one cut my time in half, and two got my mind off of things. I walked into the hotel and someone stopped me. "Look." I Said. "I know I'm not staying here, I just need to talk to someone." I said.

"Donovan you can't come right now, you know that." The man said.

"But none of us have Covid! Why can't I just go up to a room?!"

"Because it's against regulations. There's a reason there's only so many teams per hotel."

"No but let me just call him, he he'll let me come up and I can go then." I said as I started to freak out thinking about spending the night alone lost in my thoughts. "Just give me a second I need to..."

"He's with me." A familiar voice said calmly and the man looked behind him and sighed.

"Fine, but if you two get in trouble it's not cause of me."

"Alright." I said softly and he wrapped his arm around me and walked me past the 'guard' of the hotel. We didn't say anything as we waited for and in the elevator. He opened his room and we walked in. I leaned against him and he sighed softly.

"It's ok." He said. His calm and collective voice which usually soothes me did nothing at this point. "Come here." He said softly and he sat down and I sat down beside him. I laid my head on his shoulder and he had his arms around me. A tear hit his shoulder and he looked over at me. "Baby don't cry." He said softly.

"But... but... we had it. We were this close." I whispered.

"I know." He said softly. "But then you would to have had to play me."

"I know." I said softly. "But... but Paul." I said softly and he sighed.

"Shhh Do." He said softly and I just started to cry. He moved to where I was more in his lap and he was holding me. "Baby." He said softly and he ran his thumb over my cheek. "Don't cry, it hurts me to see you cry." He said and I looked up at him as tears fell down my face. He frowned and placed another kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry." He said softly.

"It's... it's ok. You can't help it." I said and he nodded slowly and wiped the tears off my face.

"I love you." He said softly and I smiled for the first time in a while.

"I love you too." I said and he gently moved my face to where I was looking at him, and he pressed his lips against mine gently.

"Are you gonna stay here tonight?"

"I want to... but won't that be kinda suspicious?"

"What? Of course not." He chuckled. "They Know we're friends, you'll have just came over and accidentally fell asleep. Besides, Dame and CJ spent like every night together." He shrugged and I stared at him blankly looking for him to show any signs of him joking. "What?"

"You can't possibly be that dumb." I said and he looked at me confused. "You know Dame and CJ weren't staying together because their friends." I said.

"What? Of course they were." He said and I chuckled.

"Paul, Dame and CJ fuck like every night."

"Woah! Ok, tmi." He said and I chuckled softly. "So... what your telling me is that you don't want our relationship to by outshined by there's so you wanna fuck twice a day." He smirked.

"Stop it!" I whined. "I was crying two minutes ago and your already making sex jokes."

"What?" He chuckled. "Oh, baby I wasn't joking." He said and I bit my lip softly thinking about it.

"Oh." I said softly and all of a sudden I couldn't stop thinking about him naked.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me and I felt myself blush.

"How do you know I was thinking about something."

"It was just obvious, and you were blushing so I hope it had something to do with me." He said and I chuckled softly.

"When do I ever think about something besides you." I said and he smiled softly.

"A lot of the time." He chuckled. "I'm just a small part of your life." He said and I frowned.

"No." I frowned. "Don't ever days that Paul." I said and he chuckled softly. "Your the biggest part of my life."

"Please." He chuckled. "One day your gonna see someone else, and y'all are gonna talk, and your gonna leave me be behind and never think twice about it."

"What?" I laughed. "Where'd you get that idea from? Baby I'm never gonna leave you." I said and he looked at me and smiled softly. "Did you notice how as soon as I lost, as soon as I was broken, I came to you. I came to you to because I knew you were the only one who could make me feel better. I love you Paul, and I wanna be in this forever." I said leaning against his shoulder and he glanced down at me smiling softly. "Now if you don't wanna be then..."

"Shhh." He said softly and he placed a kiss on the top of my hand. "Don't even think that." He said and I nodded and sighed. "I love you Do." He said softly and I nodded.

"I love you Paul." I said and we sat there silent in each other's presence for hours. We didn't care it was late, we didn't care that we would end up sleeping late tomorrow and people would question why I was over at his place all night. I didn't care what they thought either, because as long as I was with him nothing could go wrong. He knew exactly what to say to calm me down, he knew how to act to get me to stop crying. He knew how to fix me. Around Paul I'm a little less broken.

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