Secret - John x Damian

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"Hey!" I smiled sitting down on my bed. I watched my phone as John showed up.

"Hey." He said smiling back at me. "You excited to play me tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I sighed. I loved playing John because we we have been best friends since high school, but being friends for that long someone is sure to catch feelings and with my luck I did. That's why I don't like playing him. There's something different about being up close and personal to him when he's playing basketball, rather than when were together just goofing off. We FaceTimed for a while till he said he had to go. "Bye, see you tomorrow." I said and he nodded.

"See ya tomorrow Dame." He said and i smiled and we hung up. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Thanks to John's unplanned FaceTime, I was now an hour late to me and the guys pick up game we have every Friday night. I jumped in my car and drove over to the stadium. "Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late." I said as I made my presence known.

"Dame what took you so long?" CJ asked me and I shrugged.

"Just some stuff came up that I had to handle."

"Yeah like talking to your boyfriend." Rodney said.

"What?!" Everyone said.

"No Rodney I was not talking to my boyfriend." I said and he laughed.

"I'm so confused." CJ said. "Someone please explain."

"We all know your boyfriend is in town tomorrow." Rodney nagged. I rolled my eyes at him and threw my phone on the sidelines.

"John?" CJ asked and Rodney smirked at me. CJ gasped. "Dame you like John!" He exclaimed.

"No!" I said. "Rodney is just making this up." I said running my hands down my shirt. "Now which team is short handed?"

"Mine." CJ said and I smiled. I loved it when we were on the same team because we always demolished the other team. "But." He said. "Your only on my team if you explain what's going on between you and John."

"Nothings going on between me and John." I said and he looked at me. "We're just friends I promise, Rodney just likes to pick on me."

"And?" CJ asked me and I shrugged.

"And?" I asked him back. He gave me a, I know there's more, look. "I might like him a little bit." I said and he smirked.

"Just a little?"

"Yes just a little You dick head now give me the ball so we can start the game." I said and he chuckled and handed me the ball.
I walked into the stadium and I saw cameras flash out of the corner of my eye. It never bothered me because it had just became part of my life. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

U here yet?

Yeah just got here, I'm guessing ur here

Yep, I'm in the locker room. No ones here yet if you wanna come.

I can't, cameras will be all over me.

Please? They know we're friends.

Fine I'll be there in a few.

I put my phone away and walked past our locker room. "Hey where are you going?" CJ asked. I glanced at him and he nodded then smirked at me and walked away. I chuckled and went back to walking to the away locker room. I walked in and John and Bradley were there.

"Damian dressing to impress." Bradley said and then he smirked at me. I pushed his chest.

"Stop!" I said smiling. He laughed. "How you been?" I asked him.

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