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Owen helps Mila into her skirt. He lifts her panty from the ground and instead of giving it to her he stuffs it into his coat inner pocket. Mila finds it fucking sexy and blushes.

She straightens her dress and gets out of the cabin and goes and packs her bag for the day.

" Lauren, I will be leaving early today. Please don't make any breakfast for me. I will pick up something on the way" says Mila.

" Ok.. Wait I will call up and tell Marc to keep something packed for you so that you can pick it up and go" says Lauren.

" Thanks Lau"

Mila wears her helmet and starts her Ninja bike and rides towards Marc's restaurant. The road to the restaurant is blocked with barriers. She tries to get in when a big guy stops her and says that her is some work going on and that she is not to come in this road. Mila sees the man and has some suspensions about the closed road. She backs up a little and keeps a watch on the road that's when she sees some men carrying a bloodied Nathan and Marc into the van.

A chill runs down her spine and her mouth goes dry. She isn't able to scream or react at what she saw. She quickly composes herself and decides to follow them.

Nathan and Marc are literally thrown into the van and taken away. Mila follows the van from a distance. They come to a secluded place where she can see an abandoned warehouse. They have almost driven for half a day and Mila is pretty exhausted.

Mila slows down and parks her bike little away and starts walking towards the warehouse. It's already pretty day and the air begins to turn cold.

Mila immediately calls Lauren and tells her about the whole kidnapping thing. She asks Lauren to stay calm and she will bring back both the guys.

"Mr. Blackbourne Mr. Toma where are you" screams Robert. He is one of the helpers in Marc's restaurant. Robert is bleeding and bruised.

" What happened Robert? Why are you bleeding? asks a concerned Alex.

" Sean get down here" shouts Owen.

" Marc and Nathan have been kidnapped and taken somewhere by some people who came in the morning. They beat all of us and took them. I woke up now and came running here" says a crying Robert.

Sean comes and starts to clean Robert and stitch him up.

Both Toma and Blackbourne team are in a state of shock. They have no clue where their brothers are.

They hear Lauren cry loudly and head up to her room. She is sitting on the chair and sobbing hysterically.

" What happened love? Why are you crying? " asks Raven.

" Someone has kidnapped Marc and Nathan" says Lauren

" How do you know?" asks Brandon.

" Well Mila called sometime back saying that someone kidnapped Marc and Nathan and she is following them" says Lauren inbetween her sobs.

" What??Why the hell didn't you tell us?" asks Vic.

" Am sorry I was scared and I didn't know what to do" says Lauren.

" Did she tell anything else" asks Owen.

" She said they have taken them in some abandoned warehouse and she is going inside to free them" says Lauren.

" What? What does she think she is doing? She might get killed" says a nervous Kota.

Just when they were talking Lauren's phone rings and they see Mila's name flashing.

"What the fuck Ms. Peterson? Get your fucking arse here right NOW" says a clearly angry Owen.

" Mr. Blackbourne I am not coming home without my boys I hope I am clear" says Mila in a stern voice.

All the men are literally shouting at her and asking her to come back. At this point of time Lauren gets angry.

" Shut the fuck up all of you. One single word out of your mouth I will rip you people apart" screams Lau.

Lauren snatches Axels phone and quickly calls the Anderson's to come here. She explains the situation to them.

The Anderson team arrives and they come barging into Laus room. They see the men shouting at Mila and Mila seems to be losing it.

" Stop it all of you. None of you are going to talk " shouts Liam in his baritone voice.

" Mila love it's Carson here. Are you alright"

" Yes Sir I am alright" says Mila.

" Ok love can you tell me what is that you can see. Love listen to me and concentrate on my voice" says Carson in a smooth voice.

Lauren is standing and shivering listening to Mila. Greyson goes over and holds Lauren in his embrace to help her to stop shivering. Lily comes in with some blanket and wraps her in it and make Lau sit inbetween her and Greyson. They both hug her from either sides and hold her hand.

" Mila love don't panic and don't cut the line what so ever ok. Just keep telling us what you feel and what you see" says Adam.

The Anderson's team mute her phone and shout at the other two teams.

" I am shocked the way you guys are handling this. Owen and Alex what's wrong with you people? " asks Liam.

" We are sorry. I just lost it when I heard Mila is there all alone with no back up and help" says Owen.

" Mila we are sorry we acted like this. I lost it babe please be careful and come back to us in one piece" says Victor.

" Hey shorty you are our best friend come back soon with no scratch on you ok! We all love you our brave princess" says Corey.

" Kitten tell me what you can see? Did you see how many guards are there?" asks Liam.

" Sir I don't know how many are there I just saw them taking Marc and Nathan inside and I saw a tree and I climbed it and hid there" says Mila.

" What? You didn't see left or right and you just walked in and climbed a tree? For heaven's sake Mila that's stupidity" shouts Owen.

" I am going to kick all of you out if you shout at her again" screams Lauren.

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Please some love to my other 2 books as well.
My Forgetful Human Mate
Stuck to my Bosses

The Intern For BlackbourneWhere stories live. Discover now