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She is wearing a beautiful baby pink shirt and a cream colour skirt, left her long hair loose and it's lightly blowing  . She looks so ravishing. I hold her in my strong arms lift her chin and look into her bright twinkling eyes which holds nothing but love.

I capture her lips slowly I almost could hear her heart beat thudding erratically. I smiled to myself thinking about how I make her feel. I deepen my kiss, thrust my tongue inside her mouth and explore every inch of her mouth.

My hands grab her arse and she gasps. I knew then my cock is hard and is pressed against her pussy. I run my hands all along her slender arms and place them on my shoulders. I look into her eyes and can see the desire in them, slowly I start to unbutton her shirt and when I am about to see her beautiful breasts I  hear a loud scream and I snap out of my dream.

Fuck!! I have been having dirty dreams about Ms. Peterson for sometime now thinks Owen. There's a loud scream again and Owen rushes to the voice of the scream to see Becca curled up in a corner.

From the time Becca has been released from the hospital her PTSD have increased. We have suggested her to take professional help which she refused at the moment saying he may attack her there as well. I slowly walk towards her pick her up and lay her on the bed and I sleep beside her.


" Mrs. Clarkson I am afraid I will not be able to sanction leave for you for so many days" says Owen.

" But Mr. Blackbourne I haven't taken a day off this entire year and you know that. This is very important since my daughter gave birth and I need to be there beside her" pleads Mrs. Clarkson who is a secretary to Mr. Blackbourne.

" Hmmm alright Mrs. Clarkson just 1 month and nothing more than that" says a stern Owen.

" Thank you so much it means a lot. Yes I will be back within a month" .

Owen goes to find Vic and Kota. He enters their room to find out that they aren't there. He eyes finds Mila in the exact same attire ; pink shirt and cream skirt he had seen in his dream. He is not able to take his eyes of her. He does not like her hair secured in a clip and he frowns. He suddenly gets an idea

" Ms.Peterson my cabin now!" barks Owen.

Mila jumps has he startled her with his sudden command. Mila hurries to his cabin.

" Please take a seat" says Owen.

He calls Vic and Kota to come over to his cabin. Once they come inside he starts with the meeting.

" So Mr. Morgan and Mr. Lee how are the security of the system coming up. Did we have any breach again?" asks a stoic Owen.

" No Mr. Blackbourne everything is going on smooth with no hiccups as of now" answers Kota.

" Hmmm.... Well then since Ms. Peterson's services are not much required at your department I would want to use the services of Ms. Peterson as my personal Assistant since Mrs. Clarkson will be going on leave starting next week for a month" says Owen dryly.

" What?? I have no experience as an assistant and and I have not come here to work as an assistant specially your assistant" says an angry Mila.

" Ms. Peterson watch your tone else I would have to spank you" says Owen.

Mila turns red and no words come out of her mouth.

" Well Ms. Peterson is case you have finished with your drama let me tell you that you are an intern here and you are bound to work for me for 2 years and this is the work I ask you to do. So please make your self useful and go meet Mrs. Clarkson to guide you about the job responsibilities before she leaves. Make sure you know your job well" says a cool Owen.

Mila huffs out of the cabin. Vic and Kota look at Mr. B intently and a smile creeps out of the both men. They excuse themselves and go to find Mila.

" Don't worry Mila love you are just across the floor. It's just for a month and then you are back to us. Mr. Blackbourne isn't all that bad Mila. We can always have lunch together" says Victor.

Victor hugs Mila while she weeps silently and Kota comes and hugs her from behind.

It's been a while since all the three got a little close after the kissing incident. None of them have disclosed their feelings for each other.

Mila goes to look for Mrs. Clarkson and is busy understanding the job responsibilities when her stomach growls.

" Oh dear! Am so sorry I didn't see it's lunch hour already. It's for 1 hour Mila try coming back on time" says  Mrs. Clarkson.

" Sure thank you. I will be heading out with Victor and Kota sir for lunch" saying Mila dashes to the elevator.

" Mrs. Clarkson where is Ms. Peterson I wanted to have a word with her, have her come in when she is in her seat" says Owen

"I am afraid it will be a while by the time she comes as she has gone out for lunch with Mr. Morgan and Mr. Lee"

Owen clenched his fist and gets into the cabin.

"Mr. Blackbourne I heard you asked for me " says Mila coming back from lunch.

" Yes, you will not be going with anyone else for lunch either than me until you are my secretary since you have to be present taking notes when I meet my investors. I want you to report to me everyday when you log in and also before you log out.

You will get me black coffee with a spoon of sugar in the morning and again in the evening. Do not make any mistakes since I do not like people making mistakes. Am I clear" asks Owen sternly.

Mila gulps audibly and nods her head.

" Words Ms. Peterson words"

" Yes Mr. Blackbourne" says Mila meekly.

She turns to leave and Owen could not help stare at her long hair and her curvaceous arse.


The luncheons  with Owen and his investors was a nightmare for Mila for one she could not write down the notes fast and two the investors could not get to keep their hands off her.

It was one of those days where Mila had annoyed the hell out of Mr. B .
Just to get equal at her Mr. B takes the pain of disorganising the whole lot of files and littering it on the floor.

" Ms. Peterson, come now!!" says Owen curtly over the phone.

As soon as she enters the cabin her eyes goes wide at what she sees files and papers are littered all over the place.

"Ms. Peterson I want you to file all of these and organise them in an order. It has to be done by today" says Owen.

Mila drags in a deep breath and plonk's herself on the ground in a diamond pose or thunderbolt pose.

Seeing Mila in that position Owen imagines her in his play room naked and kneeling before him. He snaps out of the scene and can feel his cock becoming hard. He tries to change his position on the chair and is thankful for the table inbetween.

Owen gazes at Mila for sometime before he is called for a meeting.


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