The land lord

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It's been four months that Mila and Lauren are working for the Anderson's and The Toma team respectively.

"Mila can you come to my cabin please" says Liam Anderson.

" In a minute Sir".

Once, Mila reached Liam's office she saw all her bosses in the same room.

" Goddd!! why? why? why? do all of them have to be together. I can't take so much hotness phew!!" cribs Mila silently in her head.

" Good to see you Mila. It's been awhile that we saw you" says Ian with a warm smile.

" Good to see you all Sir"

" So, Mila hope you are enjoying working for the company?" asks Carson.

" Yes Sir... Getting a lot to learn" says Mila with a smile

" So, Mila he have these competitions held with different companies where the interns will display their latest projects they have been working on.  It will be a good experience for you. I expect you to join the competition since we have been observing your project closely and am sure it's worth the price" says Greyson.

" When is the competition and who are participating ?? At least I will know with which company we are competing" asks Mila

" The few of the companies will be The Blackbourne Holdings, The Toma team, The Henderson Ltd, The Hudson Enterprises and so on" says Liam.

" What?? The Blackbourne Team is participating? asks Mila in disbelief.

" Why? Yes they are and they have won it for 3 consecutive years" says Ian.

" They will not win it this time" says Mila with hatred in her tone.

" Mila!! Is there anything that we need to know as to why you hate The Blackbourne Team so much when you haven't even met them" asks a surprised Adam.

" Just let's say I have an old score to settle with them" says Mila with a smirk.

"MILA!! Out with the difference that you have with the team. You have to tell us because we mean no harm to them and we can't get into a battle mode with them just because of an intern" barks Liam.

"Sir, I ment no harm to them. All I am saying is we will give them a good competition. As for the score to settle I will tell you as to why I hate them" says Mila.

Mila goes to describe the experience that she had at the interview, the questions in the form and the slap on the Manager's face.

As she is describing it the Anderson's team are angry and they are clenching their fists.

Once she has finished saying it she is all flustered and shaking a little. Carson goes and gives a big warm hug saying that they are with her and she needs to kick their asses. With this,all of them have a good laugh.

Once Mila is out of the room Liam speaks

" Do you think it's a good idea to contact Mr. Blackbourne and notify him about this".

" I think instead of we telling them directly let's meet up for a drink and ask them subtly about this so that they don't feel that we are accusing them by  listening to an intern" points Adam.

"So be it. Let's meet for a drink this weekend" says  Carson thinking that it's going to be one entertainment talk.

" Hello! Mr. Blackbourne" says Liam
through his iphone.

" Hello! Liam. How have you guys been? Long time we haven't spoken" says Mr. B

" Yes! We haven't spoken in a long time. How about we all meet up this weekend? You can let me know the time and venue my brother's and myself shall be there" says Liam

" Sure I will do it. So, how's Lily please  convey my regards to her" says Mr. B

" Sure. So we shall see you on the weekend" saying Liam cuts the call.

" I don't know about you guys but I have a strong gut feeling that there will be something big happening during the competition" says Greyson with a smirk.

" I want all of you to be there by Mila's side during the competition. I don't want anyone or anything hurting her. Am I clear??" says Ian in a serious tone.

All the brothers nod and wonder as to how did she manage to get not only into their hearts but Lily's as well. Lily  sees her like a little sister and is all protective about her and so are the guys.

Mila also has the utmost respect and loyalty to them and would never take advantage of it knowing how much they all love her.

Mila and Lauren meet up and go out for dinner as it was pretty late to start cooking.

It was almost 11 by the time they went to bed. Since it was the weekend the next day Lauren decided to sleep with Mila in her room.

Both the girls wake up to a noise at their place. Lauren grabbed the vase and Mila grabbed her bag. Both the girls tip toed out of the room towards the noise.

Mila and Lauren freeze when they see the person at their place. Mila turns red with anger when she sees him. Lauren immediately holds Mila tightly and pulls her away before Mila can bet the shit out of Mr. John the landlord of their place.

"Mr. John care to explain what the hell are you doing inside our house? How the hell did you get it??asks a very pissed Lauren.

It was not the first time that Mr. John had sneaked into their house.

" Ah well I heard some noises so I came to check and I thought I heard those noises inside your house so I came to investigate. I tried the key and it opened since you had not put the dead bolts" explains Mr. John with lustful eyes.

" There is no one here so plese see yourself out Mr. John" says Mila barely hanging onto her anger.

Mr. John scurried out quickly before things became too serious.

Mila and Lauren were left shaking with anger and fear.

The next morning even though it was the weekend Mila and Lauren decided to go to work since they had the competition coming up and wanted to speed up their projects.

As Mila sat and worked on her project her stomach made its appearance by making a loud noise.

Mila got up went out and got herself some sandwiches and a coke. She sat out in her office canteen and started to eat.

" So what brings you here on a weekend?" says Carson from behind.

Mila did not expect one of her bosses to be there on the weekend. She quickly wiped her tears but not before Carson saw it.

" What happened Mila?? Why do I see you cry?? Did someone say something??And don't you say nothing Mila!! says the panicked Carson

"Well, we have this ugly, nonsense land lord who just barges into our house at odd hours. He has done it for about 6 times in the last 4 moths" says Mila with a cracking voice.

" Oh My God!!Why the hell didn't you tell us when it happened the first time. Look Mila you are family okay, so the next time anything I mean anything happens you HAVE to inform us. Am I clear" says a worried Carson.

That was enough for Mila to start crying. Carson pulled her close to him and she cried her hearts content into his chest.

Once, she was okay and stopped crying she pulled herself out of him and gave a weak smile saying she was alright.

" So, Little leaf I will meet your land lord at 7 PM" said an angry Carson.

"Little leaf" asks a confused Mila

"That's you Mila, you shook like a little leaf while crying" says a smiling Carson.

"Ha ha little leaf it is....

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