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Owen, Victor, Kota made they way to the hospital to check on Becca.

" How are you feeling Becca?" asked Owen.

" Am feeling a little better" says a flustered Becca.

All the men in the room raise an eyebrow at her flustered state.

" I think I have to go now. Thank you all for you help" says a sad Becca.

" Where is your house Becca dear? We will drop you to your place" says Sean.

" Hmmm well I don't have a home to go it since I ran away from my boyfriend and I can't go back to him" says a helpless Becca.

"Well, Becca if it's ok you can stay with us until we find you a place to stay" says Owen.

" I-I don't think it's fair on me to ask your help anymore since you already helped me so much" .

" Ok sweetheart it's not a problem for us at all. It's been a while that we had any women staying with us" says Nathan with a wink.

Becca blushes and thanks the sweet men who came to her rescue.

" I will get the hospital discharge summary . You guys go ahead I will join you in a while" says Sean.

Since Becca is hurt and not able to walk Victor offers to carry her to the car.

Becca is placed between Victor and Owen while Kota drives and Nathan is in the passanger seat. She is tired and goes to sleep with her head on Owen.

"Wake up sleepy head" says Victor and carries her inside their home.
She is lost in the beauty of the house, it's massive and beautifully decorated. All the men have their own private floors to go to.

Becca is place a guest bedroom on the ground floor. Owen and Sean are on the same floor as Becca. Victor, Kota and Nathan are on the first floors since they did not want to be scattered all along the home on different floors.

Nathan goes to see Becca if she is comfortable and if she needs anything. When he gets in he sees her struggling to get out of the bed.

" What are you trying to do?"asks Nathan.

" I feel very sticky so I wanted to take a shower"

Nathan goes and picks her up and she gives a squeak and laughs. He places her on the stool and leaves her to take bath.

" Hmmm Nathan I don't think I will be able to take a shower by myself will someone help me?" asks the distressed Becca.

" Alright I will help you" saying so Nathan strips himself with just the boxers on. He proceeds to help Becca out of her cloths. She is left only in her Bra and Panty. Becca is shy and has turned red. She is not able to take her eyes away from Nathan as he is tall,
handsome,broad shoulders and those abs.

Nathan sees the lust in her eyes and smirks. He slowly pulls her below the shower and cleans her slowly and gently across her shoulders, her stomach, her back, her legs. She sucks in a sharp breath when his hand slides across her boobs and between her legs.

Nathan cleans her off with a firm hand on her waist so that she doesn't fall off. Once, out of the bathroom he dries her off and slides her into one of his t shirts.

When he is about to lift her to take her to the living room their lips brush against each other. Becca looks at Nathan and slowly kisses him and she deepens the kiss. She swipes his lower lip and he parts his lips for her tongue to enter his mouth. They kiss each other until they need to come up for air. Nathan smiles and take her to the hall.

Sean has come back by then and all the men are waiting in the living room for Becca. Nathan places her on th sofa and sits opposite to her. Kota is sitting next to her and she snuggles herself close to Kota. Kota puts a hand around her and pulls her closer.

" So Ms. George can you tell us what your story is?  I heard that you were abused by your boyfriend" asks Owen.

A lone tear escapes Becca eyes. She wiped it and tells them her story.

" It all started one night when Mathew my boyfriend came home drunk. He said he had lost his job and he needed money to pay off his debuts that he had occured during gambling. He tried to grab my money that I had saved, when I refused to give it to him he beat me black and blue. He managed to take away the money and gambled it again.

This continued for quite sometime. Then one fine day when he knew we ran out of money he started to get men to sleep with me. That was the last straw I punched him kicked him with all my strength and ran away. Then I hit your car and then you know what happened from then" says Becca and breaks onto a loud sob.

" Please Becca please don't cry. We will see what we can do to protect you. You can stay with us as long as you like" says Kota.

Owen , Victor , Kota and Nathan get ready and start to thier office. On the way Owen instructs them to step up the security just in case her boyfriend turns up.

Once inside the office they see Mila waiting for them infront of their cabins.  All of them get into their respective cabins leaving Mila waiting form them to call her.

It's almost 4 hours that Mila is waiting outside the cabin. Mila is clearly pissed and barges into Owen's cabin and sees him gazing out of his window.

" What the hell is your problem??" shouts an annoyed Mila.

" Ms. Peterson how dare you barge into my cabin without my permission" asks a stern Owen.

" Permission my foot! I have been waiting for about 4 hours and no one seems to tell me what am I suppose to do" says an angered Mila.

"Ms.Peterson watch your mouth while working in this office and I don't tolerate any nonsense" says Owen.

" I am done Mr. Blackbourne I am not going to work for you"

" Hold it Ms.Peterson you have to work for me for 2 years that's what the contract says that you just signed while sitting outside. Don't tell me you did not read it" says Owen with a smug

" I ... I " stammers Mila

" What happened?? Cat caught your tongue. You don't have any come back for that" remarks Owen

Mila glares at him and stands infront of him not knowing how to react or what to tell.

" My secretary will show you your work place , you may go now" says Owen.

"Oh! my my, you are a handful! and a spitfire baby, look forward for working with you" thinks Owen in his mind.

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