Ladies Man

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Hi guys please check out my other story as well.." My forgetful Human Mate"

"You are our responsibility now Mila none of us can survive if something terrible happened to you love" says Owen by placing a kiss on her head.

"I am really sorry I would not do anything like that again I promise you all" says Mila.

Mila and Lauren feel bad for whatever they did. They decide to take an off and head out to a movie. They call Lily on the way and she agrees to join them.

All the three girls watch movie have lunch and Lily comes back with the girls to their home.

Meanwhile Liam and Carson meet the Toma and Blackbourne team regarding the security upgrades for Becca.

" So these are the final security arrangements that we have suggested for Becca" says Liam.

" Thank you so much" says Owen.

" So have you guys told about your feelings to Mila" asks Carson.

" No we haven't" says Nathan.

" Did she at least tell about her feelings" asks Carson.

" Nope... She has also not told anything" says Victor.

" Ok we will sort out the feelings that she has for you. Right now Lily is with them I will ask her to find out about her feelings for you guys" says Liam.

" Ok .... Kota can you bring up the feed from the house so we can know her reaction now itself" says Owen.

They call up Sean and asks him to join them. The Toma team comes as well and they ask Liam to check about Lauren's feeling as well.

( I will write the guys reaction as well once the girls tell about each guys that way I don't have to write all the guys POV).

The girls get home and change into comfortable clothes. Lauren makes some coffee for all the 3 of them and they sit on the dining table.

" Lily can I ask you something personal if you don't mind" asks Mila.

" Go ahead" says Lily

" How do you manage all the 5 men? I mean isn't there any jealousy and any of the men feeling left out or something like that" asks Mila.

" Mila the key to a successful relationship is trust  love and communication. In our case it's sharing as well. Yes, we do have our share of fights but all is solved  through communication dear. I am blessed to have them in my life. You are loved in 5 different ways and protected" says Lily.

" So Mila and Lauren do you girls
love the Blackbourne and Toma team guys"asks Lily.

Both the girls say yes is unison.

"But the problem is we don't know if they like us. I mean we aren't some exception girls that we would expect them to like us, but we love them and we did be happy even if one of the guys loves us back" says Lauren

" So why don't you girls start telling what you feel about all the guys so we know what we think about them" says Lily

" Ok so Lauren and myself have similar kind of feeling for the boys so here we go...

1. Victor and Corey: There are like home. Not that they make you feel like home but they are actually your home. You go anywhere in the world but nothing beats the feeling of coming back home. You are yourself at home and they are your point of reference

Victor and Corey can't stop blushing and they feel so warm about it. They just want to hug and kiss the girls right now. They never few that the girls loved and respected them so much

2. Brandon,Nathan and Revan: What do I say they are like the ultimate bad boys which every girl is crazy about. It's like if anyone is harrassing you all you have to do is tell these 3 to go just look at that person and come and that person will never ever look at you. They are like adorable cuddly bears.

The three boys choke on thier spite.

" No one has called us as adorable and cuddly it's the first and we like it" says Raven.

3. Kota and Sean: They both are so grounded and feet firmly placed on ground. I find it sexy whenever Kota takes the lead whenever there is a crisis  and Sean is a charmer I did spend the whole day in his arms. Kota is hmmm. They are like the backbone of the team.

Sean and Kota have full blown smile and their cocks are twitching to go and take their woman right now.

4. Owen and Axel:  They are the soul of the team. They are the X in the equation you remove them there is no team so they are the very foundation of the team. Yes, they may appear serious and uptight always but they have their stories to be that way and we don't judge ppl.

Owen and Axel and tongue tied with the revelation form the girls. Owen feels bad for treating Mila like shit. He promises to make up for it for the rest of his life. Both of them want to be inside thier women right now with their brothers.

5. MARC : OH MY GODD... He is awesome and I have this hugeeee massive crush on him. I know Lau loves him but I crush on him like hell. I love the way he smiles,his body the way he prepares coffee is sexy as fuckkk. I want to clap my hands and squeak like a retard seal whenever I see him.
He is our very own coffee guy I know he isn't in this team but he is the guy who when you think you have that mushy feeling and you get those smile when you see him or think about him like . He's the coffee guy I did do anything for. 

All the guys growl at Marc. Marc has a full blown laugh. He feels so elated that the girls think so good about him. He decides to prepare coffee for the girls for the reat of their lives. He want to kiss Lauren senselessly and at the same time he wants to give Mila a bone crushing hug since she is he's one and only die hard fan.

" We did do anything to keep the boys happy and safe. Like the saying goes " who will guard the guards".They are our knights and we will guard them. I did be happy to take a bullet for them I mean just not Blackbourne team I would any day take a bullet for the Toma team as well and the same goes with Lauren as well. We are so happy to be associated with them" says an emotional Mila.

" Actually even I have this huge crush on Marc. He has this gorgeous smile I did drool about" finishes Lily with a wink.

The Anderson's team look at Marc in disbelief.

" What can I say I am a ladies man" winks Marc

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