"I'll be there," she replied. Satisfied with her answer Mako took the letter back and left her doorway. Lin thought about sitting back down, doing some paperwork and thinking, but she needed to rest. She had a tournament in a week.

Arrival Day

"Opal heard word the train is about an hour out," Tenzin said, putting his sons bottle on the counter.

"So exciting, I haven't seen Su since the wedding. She looks good." Kya said, getting a look from her brother.

"Not the time Kya."

"Sorry, sorry." Kya smiled. They both turned at the sound of a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Tenzin called, and the Ford was pushed open. Mako, Bolin stood there, Bolin's usual grin and his brother maintaining his bad boy stature. But perhaps the best part about was that Lin Beifong stood there, with her arms crossed and smug look on her face. Kya rubbed her tongue over her lips before widening her mouth into a big smile.

"Come on in guys! Mako, Bolin, Korra and Asami are outside 'scoping out the competition'," Kya informed them, putting quotations with her fingers.

"Where Opal?" Bolin asked.

"She just got back, must be with Jinora, they should be upstairs." Mall frowned as his brother started up the stairs, leaving him standing next to.

"I'm just... I'm just going to go outside." He said awkwardly, backing out the door. 

"The competition has arrived," Kya teased as Lin made her way to them.

"How could I refuse? The event of a lifetime, even I'm not anti social enough to miss that. Besides my sister is going to be here, so I can hear it from her, or I can hear this from you." Kya stood up and hugged her friend, not missing the chance to take in her aroma. It was subtle, but there was a hint of a perfume, something earthly that's for sure. And it drove Kya up the walls.

"You know Lin, you're supposed to RSVP," Kya joked, getting an eye roll from the metalbender.

"Yeah yeah don't worry I heard it from Opal before she left to find her mother."

"She stopped to see you?"

"She does that now. Much more often then she needs too."

"Awwe," Kya said in a high pitch, "she's looking out for you."

"I know, I'm just not used to having her around yet." Kya didn't notice she was rubbing Lin's arm, taking the time to go over the muscles more than once. "Where's the wife Tenzin?" Lin asked in the silence.

"You know Lin, for once I don't actually know. I suppose I should go find out. You guys are good here?" He asked, staring at his sister who had moved from subtle contact to our right staring at Lin.

"Oh yeah, fine Tenzin." He nodded and left through the back sliding door, using his hands to tell his sister to be careful.

"So how'd the set up go?" Lin asked. Kya was too busy looking at her jawline, wondering what it would feel like to run her hand along it, or hold it as she lifted Lin's face to kiss hers...

"Hmm, oh sorry. Um it went well, Korra was more than happy to help. She's a sucker for these things. She was so isolated at the South Pole growing up and I think after the fight with Zaheer she wanted to make up for it."

"Well that's good for her, I guess." Lin replied, tapping her fingers on the counter top.

"Any idea which events you want to enter?" Kya asked.

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