Chapter 24

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Morning came as the two sat in the kitchen. Wonwoo placed a cup of ginger tea in front of his boyfriend as he prepared breakfast. The environment felt so quiet and gloomy. Mingyu had been staring into space for a while now. After the very shocking incident last night, the latter was clearly traumatized as he didn't know how to react. Wonwoo knew how it felt. Wonwoo hugged Mingyu as he gave a peck on the forehead. He then gently patted Mingyu's head. The latter hugged him back by the waist.

"Is this what you go through in every dream?" Mingyu asked as he buried his face against Wonwoo's chest.

"Hmm, sometimes it's not that bad, sometimes it's worse than that." Wonwoo replied.

"You're so brave."

"Nah, I'm just used to it now."

"I can still feel 'its' hand on my neck." Mingyu stated.

"Even though I went through so many things. I've never really defeated a demon in the dream before."

Wonwoo released the hug as he took breakfast and placed it on the counter. They started to dig in. Mingyu ate slower than he usually did.

"Did...Jeongin do this?" Mingyu asked.

"Maybe. I don't know. But that demon seemed to be related to him. He had the same aura radiated from the 'thing'." Wonwoo sipped the tea.

"But why? We won't disturb them, anymore right?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that." Wonwoo sighed.

They finished with breakfast and sat in the living room, watching television. Without them realizing, the semester break was almost two months now. They spent their vacation trying to handle something that was out of their hands. Pretty wasted.

"Mingyu..." Wonwoo called as the latter hummed.

"Let's do something to forget about it."


Jeongin sat by the window as he stared at the aura coming out of his hand. It started to fade away. He failed. All his efforts, all these times he planned for everything was totally wasted. The power that he absorbed from the three started to weaken. He needed to get all the five powers. But Wonwoo hyung just destroyed the fourth one last night.

Now, Jeongin gave up on finding the last one, the 'snake'. What's the point if the power he had will eventually go anyway? Hyunjin was right. Wonwoo hyung was also right. He should just ignore all of 'them' since the very beginning.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Jeongin turned his head and saw Hyunjin peeking his head through the door. Jeongin smiled and the latter suddenly blushed. Both of them were still awkward with the boyfriend things.

"H-hey, wanna go out with me?" Hyunjin asked.

"Like a date?" Jeongin asked back as he also started to turn red.



It's been a week since that incident. Everything was coming back into pieces now. Wonwoo glad that Mingyu was getting better. He still jumped over little things but hey, at least there was some progress. Everything was fine now. Too fine that Wonwoo felt weird that he didn't even have any dream at all. But he didn't say anything because he didn't want to make a deal out of it.

The two just got home from some grocery shopping. Wonwoo entered first and headed straight to his room to charge his phone while Mingyu headed to the kitchen to place all the groceries. While he was washing the fruits in the sink when he heard a hissing sound. When he turned around and to his shock, there's a black serpent on the kitchen counter.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now