Chapter 6

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The two were in Mingyu's car, on their way to his parent's house. His mom was so excited when they informed her that they're coming. They didn't tell her their real intention yet. Hell, they didn't even know where to start. When they arrived, Mingyu's mother approached Wonwoo first instead of her own son and hugged him. They all knew how Mrs. Kim favored Wonwoo more.

"Mom, there's a reason why we're here." Wonwoo started.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I've been having weird dreams for the past few months now. Do you know anything about it?" Mingyu asked. She froze.

"Oh... it's happening again..." she said.

"What is happening again?" Mingyu asked.

The three settled down in the living room. Seemed like the mother also didn't know where to start, as she kept fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh god, where should I start... Maybe when you were 9. You always told us about these weird dreams you're having, and you pictured it so detailed. At first, we thought those were just normal dreams. But, as time went by, it's getting worse." She let out a sigh before she continued.

"The dreams happened more frequently as it changed from just a dream to a nightmare. Every night you woke up, screaming and crying. Then, there's one time when you slept for three days straight. We brought you to the hospital, but the doctor said there's nothing wrong with you." Mingyu and Wonwoo looked at each other.

"Then, you woke up as if nothing happened. You made us worried to death. We didn't know what to do anymore."

"But why can't I remember any of it?" Mingyu asked.

"Then we tried the alternative treatment. One of our old neighbors suggested we meet a shaman. And the shaman told us that you are-"

"-gifted." Wonwoo interrupted.

"Yes...gifted... she said that you have the ability to travel into the spirit world." the mother said.

"Then, what happened?" Mingyu asked.

"We said to her that we didn't want you to have this ability. It hurts my heart seeing you cried every night. So, she made you forget about it. But she said that as time goes by, you will remember it back. So, every time the dream happened again, we brought you to her. To erase it from your memory again and again. But, since we moved here, we didn't meet the shaman anymore and the dream stopped so we thought you're fine now. But I guess not." She finished her explanation.

"When...when was the last time you brought me to her?" Mingyu asked.

"Before we moved here, you told us that you met a boy in the dream. Then, the shaman erased it one last time."

"That's when I met you for the first time. In school." Wonwoo said.

"What?" Mrs. Kim interrupted.

"The boy that I met in my dream is Wonwoo." Mingyu emphasized.

"B-but how come?" his mom covered her mouth, shocked.

"Because I'm also... like him. Gifted." Wonwoo looked down. Mrs. Kim narrowed her eyebrows.

"I also have the ability to travel into the spirit world. But I'm a bit different. I can see ghosts. I still can, until now. Mom and Dad didn't tell anyone about me because they don't want me to get hurt. My abilities don't really affect me until recently..." Wonwoo trailed off. He hesitated to tell about the demon to Mingyu's mom. But...

"A demon attacked us." Mingyu said it. Wonwoo frowned.

"What?! Oh my god. Are you guys okay?" his mom turned pale.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now