Chapter 5

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Wonwoo was in his class, listening to his lecturer when he started to zone out. The class could be boring sometimes so it's not really Wonwoo's fault if he lost focus. His mind brought him back to two weeks ago. When they went to Incheon to visit Jeongin. What Wonwoo saw at the boy brought a lot of questions to him. Why did he have a black aura? Who didn't let him step into the light? Was Jeongin really gifted like him? When the boy woke up, he barely had any aura at all. It's a concern to Wonwoo because Jeongin could be an easy target for those 'things'.

After they went home, Jeongin was like... never happened. They didn't talk about the latter at all. Maybe because they were very happy about their date that they forgot about Jeongin. Later that night, Wonwoo received texts from Hansol, thanking him for his help. And that's the last thing he heard about Jeongin.

Yes, Wonwoo said that he's not comfortable talking about his gift. But as a normal human being, of course, he worried about Jeongin. How did he feel right now? What happened after he woke up? Was he okay now? Wonwoo knew that Hansol must feel the burden to even ask for his help. But hey, it's okay if they wanted to talk about it from time to time. Wonwoo just felt uncomfortable when they frequently talked about it. And Mingyu might be in the same boat as them, even though he's the one that Wonwoo was comfortable talking to.


"Gyu, it's okay. You need to finish your work. I can have lunch with my friends." Wonwoo said to Mingyu through the phone. He knew that architecture involved a lot of drawing and you couldn't rush arts.

"Sorry, Wonu." Mingyu sounded guilty.

"I'm fine. Work is work but don't forget to eat too okay?" Wonwoo smiled hearing his puppy sad.

"Mingyu, how to do this?" Wonwoo heard a girl's voice on the other side.

"See you at home okay? Bye." And Mingyu declined the call.

Wonwoo frowned as he looked at the screen. Who's that? he asked himself. But he just shrugged, thinking that it might be one of Mingyu's friends.

"Jinwoo, let's go to lunch together." Wonwoo called his friend.


It was a peaceful night for the couple. Wonwoo was watching television in the living room while Mingyu was working on his never-ending assignments in his room. Wonwoo had to go home alone because his boyfriend was busy, and it made Mingyu feel guilty. So when he got home at dusk, Mingyu gave Wonwoo the biggest hug he could as he showered the latter with kisses, muttering sorry over and over.

But of course, Mingyu had to return to his work back, leaving Wonwoo alone in the living room. Mingyu put down his pencil for a bit and stretched his body. Suddenly, he heard a scratch at the window. He turned pale as he looked at the window. Their apartment was on the fifth floor. How was that possible? Mingyu immediately ran out of his room and jumped on the couch beside Wonwoo while looking at his room.

"What's wrong with you?" Wonwoo asked.

"I heard someone scratched my window." Mingyu frowned.

"Are you sure you didn't mishear?"


With that, Wonwoo stood up and approached the room, Mingyu slowly tailed from behind. Let's be honest, Mingyu was not the only one that was scared at the moment. Wonwoo was also trembling. He peeked into the room, empty as in no 'things'. Wonwoo entered the room with Mingyu hiding behind him. He opened the window and saw nothing. Only an open view of Seoul city from their fifth-floor apartment.

"Nothing..." Wonwoo said.

"I seriously heard it." Mingyu emphasized his point. Wonwoo didn't say anything.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now