Chapter 19

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The encounter between Wonwoo and Jeongin last time sparked a hesitation in Wonwoo's heart. Who was right? Who was wrong? Did 'they' find Jeongin or did he find 'them'? Maybe Jeongin was just a clueless boy that didn't know what was happening to him.

So, they planned to spy on the boy after school. Creepy, I know. But Wonwoo wanted to know how Jeongin acted when there's no one around him. And here Mingyu was. Standing behind the wall watching the boy from afar like a creep. Wonwoo told his boyfriend to go first since he needed to wake up the stubborn Hansol. Seungkwan always told them how difficult it was to wake Hansol up in the morning. It's already afternoon by the way.

A few blocks passed and Mingyu still didn't find anything unusual about the boy. Perhaps because he couldn't see the unusual thing. Jeongin turned at a corner and Mingyu fastened his walk a bit to catch up with the boy. But suddenly, something hard hit his leg. Winched a bit, Mingyu sat on the ground, rubbing his leg.

"Why are you following my friend? Are you gonna kidnap him?" Hyunjin held a baseball bat in front of Mingyu's face.

Spontaneously, Mingyu raised both of his hands like a criminal when police pointed a gun at him. Hyunjin looked like he was ready to fight the man that was twice or maybe three times bigger than him.

"Wait, wait. No. I didn't want to kidnap your friend!" Mingyu said.

"Then, why are you following him?" Hyunjin stepped forward. Mingyu jumped a bit by the threat from the little boy.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are!"

"Hyunjin! No!" Hansol ran towards the two and stood between them.

Wonwoo came right after and kneed beside Mingyu, checking his condition. Hyunjin frowned as he looked at Jeongin's older cousin.

"Hyung? What are you doing here? Why are you defending that creep?" Hyunjin asked Hansol.

"It's your fault, Wonwoo. If you're here sooner, none of this will happen. I don't deserve to be treated like this." Mingyu whined. Wonwoo rolled his eyes at Mingyu's dramatic ass.

"Wonwoo?" Hyunjin tilted his head a bit as he looked at the boy with glasses.

"Are you the one that Jeongin talked about?" he asked.

"What did he talk about me?" Wonwoo asked back.

"Why are you friends with him? He tried to kidnap Jeongin." Hyunjin pointed at Mingyu.

"Are you all working together?" he immediately raised his bat again.

"What? No. We don't want to kidnap him." Hansol said.

"Okay, okay. How about we settle down? And we treat you to ice cream?" Wonwoo suggested.

Hyunjin frowned for a moment but agreed to it. He still held tight to the bat as they walked away. Mingyu hid behind Wonwoo as he eyed the boy. Who knew if Hyunjin suddenly decided to hit Mingyu again. They reached a small café nearby and sat at a table.

"Okay, before anything. These are my friends. Mingyu and Wonwoo. This is Hyunjin, Jeongin's friend." Hansol started.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Can you put the bat away from me?" Mingyu said sarcastically.

Wonwoo elbowed his boyfriend. The ice cream they ordered for Hyunjin arrived and the boy dug in immediately.

"So, Hyunjin. What did Jeongin tell you about me?" Wonwoo asked.

"But you probably won't believe me." Hyunjin said.

"I do believe in you. Because...I'm like Jeongin too." Wonwoo said and Hyunjin stopped eating.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now