Chapter 8

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Finally, the painful wait was over and mid-semester came to greet. Everyone was very excited about the short 2 weeks holiday. The little escape for every student to enjoy it while it lasted and made it something to be remembered before they had to face reality again. Unlike other students who liked to enjoy first, suffer later, Wonwoo and Mingyu made an agreement to do it vice versa. They would suffer from the assignments first and then; they would enjoy the holiday to the fullest. It's been a long time since they went to the beach.

One night while Wonwoo was busy working with his case studies, Mingyu came in with a fancy outfit. Tight jeans, a leather jacket and a lot of accessories. The perfume was so strong, Wonwoo thought Mingyu bathed in it instead of just sprayed it on him. He narrowed his eyebrows.

"My friends invited me to go to the club tonight. You know, lose some stress. Wanna join?" Mingyu asked.

"I'm good. You know that I don't really like clubs, right? Plus, I'm not close to your faculty's friends. It might be awkward." Wonwoo replied. Mingyu pouted.

"Okay. I will come home early." Mingyu said.

"Just go have fun as much as you want. You deserve it. You're not a kid anymore." Wonwoo smiled.

"So that means I can go wild tonight? Can I flirt with anyone else?" Mingyu wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't. You. DARE!" Wonwoo got up and pointed his finger at the latter.

"Okay, okay. I will behave tonight." Mingyu chuckled and hugged his boyfriend.

Wonwoo eyed the boy. Mingyu winked.

"I'm your good boy, right?" Mingyu asked.

"Go change to something else. I don't want others to look at what belongs to me. I can see your dick through that tight jeans." Wonwoo ordered.

"Don't blame my big boy for being proud of himself. You pervert." Mingyu smirked.

"Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo widened his eyes.

"Okay fine. I'll go change."

Mingyu released the latter from his arms and walked away. Wonwoo's eyes went to his boyfriend's butt as it slightly jiggled when Mingyu walked. He bit his lips. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Wonu, take care." Mingyu shouted as he reached for the door.

Mingyu opened the door and Eunwoo high-fived him. They went to Eunwoo's car and drove away. They fetch Jungkook and Jaehyun on the way to the club. While in the car, they decided between each other, who would stay sober tonight. If everyone went all out tonight, who would drive them home, right? And it's Eunwoo's turn.

They arrived at the club and joined the others from the same faculty. Someone patted Mingyu on the shoulder. He turned around and met with smiling Jiyoung in a very revealing cloth, playing with her hair.

"Oh, you're here too." Mingyu said.

"Of course I'm here. Can't miss out on the party." Jiyoung said as she got closer to the latter.

The drinks arrived and Mingyu drank it in one go. He partied so hard that night, getting drunk and everything. Eunwoo at the back watched in jealousy as all of his three friends got wasted. Jungkook awkwardly tried to flirt with girls while Jaehyun was already with girls all over him. Mingyu on the other side, holding to his promise with Wonwoo, trying his best not to flirt with anyone. And since only Jiyoung was the only one with him, he might be okay.

As time went by, Mingyu could barely stand straight as he forgot how many bottles he drank. Eunwoo shook his head, looking at drunk Mingyu letting all the girls surround him. Suddenly, Jiyoung dragged Mingyu to the dance floor. Under the influence of the music and the alcohol, Jiyoung grinds her body against the boy. Mingyu, too drunk to care, played along with the girl, moving his hips. Their foreheads touched and Jiyoung smirked. With that, she collided their lips together. Eunwoo frowned at the sight. You're digging your own grave, man. He said as he tried to walk past the crowd. Mingyu replied to the kiss as he grabbed Jiyoung's slim waist.

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now