Chapter 3

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Being a first-year student meant that you couldn't run from learning the basics. It's important and stuff but the problem was, it's theory, theory, and theory. And obviously, it's boring. That's what Mingyu felt right now. He looked to his right, his new friend, Jaehyun was taking notes seriously. And on his left side, Jungkook was zoning out like he was not in the classroom anymore. In front of him, Yugyeom, already passed out, totally giving up with the lecture. And here he was, contemplating which side should he join. Mingyu wanted to join his friend in the slumber world but Wonwoo already warned him about sleeping in class. And he promised his boyfriend that he would leave his high school attitude behind.

"Can it just be over already," Mingyu whined.

"There's 45 minutes left. You can do it." Jaehyun said as he looked at his watch.

"Why you gotta be so perfect in everything? God damn." Mingyu bluntly attacked his friend, Jaehyun. The boy just looked at him, a bit offended.

That's it. Mingyu gave up. Only 30 minutes left, he could study from Jaehyun's note if he missed something anyway. With that, he positioned his arms on the table, made it like a pillow, and rested his forehead on it. Maybe the fact that he didn't get enough sleep last night and how bored the class was, he fell asleep so easily. Well, bad idea.

Mingyu felt a cold breeze hit his back. Please don't tell me it happens now. Mingyu whined. Raising his head, his eyes met with an unfamiliar hallway.

"Fuck." He cursed as he looked around him.

Everything was dark and the lights that were barely there just made it even creepier. His body froze as he looked straight ahead. At the end of the hallway stood a tall figure that almost reached the ceiling. The long black horns. 'Its' body was pitch black with the long arms that touched the floor. From afar, Mingyu could see the piercing yellow eyes, looking straight at him. He knew it was the same one that he met in the house. But this was the first time seeing the 'thing' upfront and hell, it terrified him.

Suddenly, the 'thing' started to run towards Mingyu, screaming. The voice was so loud, it made the ground shook. Mingyu felt like his ears were bleeding. He was so scared that he woke up from his nightmare with a loud thud on the table, gaining attention from everyone in the class. His face turned pale as he looked around, breathing heavily. He quickly apologized to everyone and the professor continued back to his lecture.

"Bro, you good?" Jaehyun asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Mingyu brushed it off as he looked at his trembling hands.

Mingyu stayed awake for the rest of the class. The dream just made him fresh. He wanted his Wonu right now. Mingyu was still shaking from the terrifying experience and he needed his boyfriend to calm him down. The class ended and Mingyu headed straight to Wonwoo's faculty. He texted Wonwoo but the latter didn't respond, meant that he was still in class.

I'm waiting for you at your faculty's café. Mingyu sent the message to Wonwoo.

He found a table and sat there, waiting for his boyfriend to finish his class. He browsed through his phone while listening to songs to calm him down for a bit. Suddenly, someone knocked on the table. Looking up, it was a girl. Mingyu took off his earphone.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Sorry for interrupting you. I'm Jiyoung. We're in the same class for subject History of Architecture." The girl introduced herself.

"Oh, hi. I'm Mingyu."

"Can you help me with the work that the lecturer gave? I'm kinda lost actually."

Gifted: The Revelation (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now