Just as you finished up your doorbell rang. You checked yourself out one more time before running over to the door and opening it. He wore a purple suit and when you looked down you saw he had mismatched socks. He smiled when you noticed them. His hair was fluffy and curly.

You couldn't help but think.

Spencer had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. You guessed he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. Of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more. Despite all the opportunity that came his way he was a one-woman-man who prized genuineness and thoughtful conversation above lipstick and high-heels. He was handsome alright, but inside he was beautiful.

You really thought he deserved better.

He held his arm out. "Ready?"

"Wait." You say.

You rushed into your room grabbing your sun necklace and clasped it around your neck, checking yourself out again before joining him at the door. Your arm wrapped around his and he took you to his car.

He started driving and you realized you didn't know where you were going. You went to turn your head and ask when you took in his appearance again. His left arm rested on the steering wheel and his right was on his leg. You held your gaze on his figure. His jawline alone could make you drool.

He looked over at you and raised his eyebrows waiting for you to talk. You shook your head and started to blush. You clear your throat before speaking.

"Uhm, where are we going?" You wanted to get away from the topic of him catching you looking at him. He smiled and told you it was a surprise. You begged him to tell you. When he wouldn't let up, you sighed a "Dr Reid is so secretive."

He looked over at you after calling him that. You didn't meet his eyes and kept looking straight. He turned back and said you were there.

He pulled into the parking lot of a very expensive looking restaurant.

"Reservation for two."

"Right this way."

You were seated in a booth relatively near the back corner. A few other couples were scattered amongst the restaurant but other than that it was quiet. The booth had fairy lights strung around it and the tablecloth was dark red, soaking up all the light. The light above made his eyes glow.

"This place is amazing Spence." You say looking around, taking in your surroundings.

"Thank you. I rarely come here except for special occasions."

That peaked your interest. You shifted your gaze to him. "Special occasions?" You ask.

The waiter interrupted his response by bringing over some wine. It was Merlot, your favorite. You smiled a thank you and took a sip.

The whole night you talked and laughed. He never answered your question. What were "special occasions" to him. After your nice meal he offered to pay for it all. As the waiter walked away you spoke up.

"What are you doing? I could've helped you pay." Did he think you were poor?

He leaned over the table and whispered. "Why would I do that? I wanted to pay for dinner for my girl." A cold chill was sent over your skin causing your hair to rise. He smirked at your reaction. "Did I also mention how beautiful you look?" That low husky voice sent you over the edge. You wanted to grab him and pull him into your lips. He sat back before you could do anything, leaving you with those words echoing in your head.

The waiter came back and gave him back his card. He got up and held his arm out again. "Let's get out of here."

Finally calming down after that encounter you stood up. "I'd like that, Dr Reid." You teased. You knew he didn't like that. He allowed you to call him Spencer or Spence but even at work you would sometimes call him Reid. Never Dr.

He walked past the parking lot and your concern grew. "The car was that way." You pointed behind you.

"I want to show you something first." You furrowed your eyebrows.

After all, he was an FBI agent and not some murderous psychopath so you could trust him. To an extent.

Thinking back into the restaurant you did not see the "nerdy" Spencer. It was a different one. His voice and demeanor changed. He was more confident.

He led you down a dark alley and then found a door on the wall and opened it. He held it and motioned for you to go in. Hesitantly, you walked in. "Spence-"

He grabbed your arm from behind and said "this way." He dragged you up a few flights of stairs. The building was so dark you could barely see your own hands nonetheless Spencer. It didn't help you that you were in heels.

He opened the door at the top of the stairs and you saw you were on the roof. The moonlight shining through. He seemed excited to be up there and show you.

"Come on!"

"Spence, what are we doing on the roof." The concern traveled to your voice. "Are you okay?"

You turned the corner and saw him sitting a few feet away from the edge. You walked up and asked again if he was okay. He pulled you into his lap.

"I'm better than okay." He whispered. He shifted the position of his legs and you sat in between them. He angled your head up to look at the sky. "I just wanted to watch the stars with you."

He rested his head on your shoulder. His arms wrapped around your stomach, holding you there. You felt safe in his arms. Like nothing, or no one, could hurt you. His body warmth transferred over to you, cancelling out the cool breeze that blew. You wanted to sit there forever.

Stars filled the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold. It was a vastness to bring humbleness and an eternal space to bring gratitude for the coziness of home. No matter the years that passed, Spencer saw each night sky as a fresh gift given anew. He wanted to share this experience with someone. His eyes smile and his breathing deepened.

You sat there for what seemed like hours just looking into the sky as he held on to you. His heart rate eventually matched with yours.

"Do you bring all the girls here?" You joked.

"Just the ones I like."

Your heart was going to explode from those 5 words.

"Well, it's beautiful Spence." You finally let out. You turned to face him for a reaction.

"Not as beautiful as you." That low husky voice returned. Your stomach tied into a knot but it was quickly gone when he kissed you. His lips were soft and they fit yours perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. You kissed back with more force and he matched yours.

He bit your lower lip and dragged it out a little teasing you as his head moved back to the spot on your shoulder. You couldn't help but smile.

As the stars started to slowly fade he helped you up and asked you the one question that lingered in your head all day. "Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?" You stopped. "That can't be good. Did I just blow it?" He asked.

You turned to face him and looked up. "No, you didn't blow it."

You snatched his tie and wrapped it around your wrist and yanked him down to match your level. "Of course I will." You smirk.

You kissed him again, full force. He fought back and when you wouldn't let up he picked you up and twirled you around. You finally let go and started to laugh. "That's not fair! Put me down!" He started to laugh too and set you down. His hands were around your waist and yours reached just barely around his neck.

He moved his head next to yours and yours went into his chest. You were dizzy from his touch. Your scent engulfed him as you both slowly swayed to the quietness of night. His warm breathe ran through your hair and you felt it his chest go up and down. Your bodies molded together, moving almost as one.

No single doubt existed-you were made to love each other.

A Time To Love | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now