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*Warning: very long and sappy oooo (like seriously it's long) Flashbacks in italics*

Six years later....

It was the twins birthday party and they were turning six. Glimmer set down the cake as Bow began to turn the candles on.

"Okay kids, it's fire so please don't burn yourselves." Glimmer asked with a bit of stress.

"...You're talking about me aren't you?" Bow asked unfazed. "Pft, oh honey nooo, I am just implying to the kids only! Right darlings?" Glimmer laughed nervously.

"Momma can we have cake now?" Gloria asked as she looked up to her mom. "Yea mommy I want cake!" Bethany beamed. "Okay okay, gather around to sing 'happy birthday' everyone!" Glimmer called out. As soon as everyone finished, cake was being passed out.

"Oh Scorpia and Perfuma! I'm so glad you could make it!" Glimmer hugged the two women. She then gasped in delight, "Azalea! Oh my gosh you look like an angel." She hugged the girl beside the couple. "I-It's good to see you too, Aunt Glimmer!" Azalea laughed.

Scorpia and Perfuma had a long talk about adopting and then finally came to an agreement. They adopted Azalea a year after Finn was adopted. She had been 11 at the time and Finn had also been 11 when Azalea was adopted.

As the girls chatted, a certain someone couldn't help but stare. 17 year old Finn sat at a table, smiling so lovesick at Azalea.

The two had gotten closer over the years and they were mainly just friends...that is, until Finn started feeling something.

"You know..If you like her so much just ask her out."

Finn turned to see Catra sitting beside them, "W-What?! Mama you are a jokester! Seriously hilarious!" Finn nervously laughed. Catra took a sip of her water, "I'm serious..You never know what could happen." Finn slouched, "Isn't she like...my cousin or something?"

Catra spit out her water.

"I know damn well, you did not just ask me that." Catra said. "Aren't we?" Finn asked hesitantly. "No! I-Okay yea, maybe I said Scorpia is like a sister to me but that doesn't mean you two are related!" Catra said. Finn sighed, "But..I don't even know if she likes me."

Catra laughed, "My sweet sweet child, of course she likes you! I've seen the way she's looked at you..Oh my god, you're just like your mother I swear."

"Hmm, speaking of mom, where is she?" Finn asked, looking around for Adora. "She's with Mia by the mini ball pit." Catra smiled, looking at her wife play with their five year old daughter.

(im bad at math bare w me)

Catra's heart melted at the sight of her wife and their giggling daughter, playing together. Yup, she was exactly where she needed to be.

"Mamaaaa, you're doing it again!"

Catra snapped out of her gaze to look at her teen, "Doing what?" Finn propped on their elbow as they chuckled, "You're looking at mom all funny again." Catra laughed a bit as she drank her water, "What can I say? I'm lovesick."

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