The Confront

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Adora knew it was wrong to be here.

Adora knew it was wrong to be here...unless she had a good reason.

"H-How do you know where my daughter is?" Camille asked as she sat down and gave Adora a cup of water while she grabbed on her own. Adora humbly accepted it.

Guess I'm getting kicked out before I even got here.

"I'm..I'm your daughter's girlfriend."

Camille froze and just looked at her. The only thing that came out of the woman's mouth was a simple 'oh'. Before she could look away, Adora grabbed her hand. "Please I...I want to help you reunite with Catra.. We both know that deep inside you miss her." Camille looked at the woman in front of her, "W-Why would you do that?..Catra hates me.."

"But I know you don't hate her." Adora said.

She looked at her cup of water before going on, "Look..I never got to come out to my parents..And I will never get that opportunity to see if they would have accepted me or not..And if they didn't, I know deep down inside they would find a way to accept it because I was their daughter..and I know they would have loved me for who ever I love."

Camille looked at the girl in sympathy, "You..You really want to help me? But why? Surely Catra told you the story and how I said such awful things to her." Adora smiled at the woman, "I know..but I know that it isn't too late to apologize. You can change, it's never too late to have a fresh mind." "But...where do I start?" Camille asked. "Well for haven't kicked me out yet, so that must mean something?" Adora giggled.

Camille smiled at the woman a bit before laughing a little. She then, squeezed Adora's hand softly. "Thank you..for believing in me..Catra is very very lucky to have you." Adora smiled and returned the gesture, "I'm very lucky to have her..Now, why don't I catch you up a bit?"


"Melog, stop it. Anyways, yea I know..It's wrong of me to just barge her with questions but seriously, what else was I suppose to do?" Catra said on the phone as Melog tried biting her hair.

"Listen, kitten. Surely Adora wouldn't lie to you unless it's for a good reason." D.T said on the other line. "Ugh, not you too. Seriously is something going on that I don't know?" Catra asked. "Hmm, maybe." D.T said. Catra could practically feel their smirk. "Alright, spill. You're bad at keeping secrets too you know." A dramatic sigh could be heard on the other side of the line. "If you insist.."

"Are you going to tell me?" Catra said. "I'm in the middle of a dramatic sigh couldn't you tell? Ugh, and to think I would give away this special surprise." D.T playfully huffed. "Spill." Catra practically demanded. "Catra listen, do you seriously want to know what you're getting on your birthday?" D.T lied.

Of course, they weren't going to rat out Adora! They were responsible for half of the situation as well.

" know? Ooo, could you tell me?" Catra beamed in curiosity.

"Hmm, don't think I want to..It is very age inappropriate." D.T smirked.

Catra paused and then continued, "Heyyy..why did she even tell you?" "Did you forget? My store is basically like Spencer's. Anyways, I gotta go kitten, my break is almost over. Ta Ta!" D.T said. Catra giggled, "See ya, D." The two then hung up. Still..Catra had this guilty weight about cornering Adora like that, especially when she had a massive hangover. Catra took out her phone again and texted the blonde.

Message to Blondie<3: Hey..I wanna say I'm sorry again, I should have never cornered you like that, especially in the state you were in. Look, I just want you to know I love you and I wouldn't hide anything from you. Come home soon❤️


"Would you like some more cookies?" Camille offered before standing up.

Adora shook her head, "No thank you." As soon as Camille made her way to the sink, Adora got the message from Catra it was her turn to feel guilt. She felt really horrible for going behind Catra's back like this, but she really wanted Catra to have her mom in her life. She wanted Catra to be more happy...

...happier for the upcoming events.

Adora sent a quick text before turning her attention back to the woman who sat down next to her, "I was hoping if you'd want to see these." Camille smiled as she held a book titled 'Catra's years'. Adora smiled, "Of course I do."

Message to Kitten<3: It's okay, I'm really sorry too. Just know that I love you with all my heart..and yes I'm coming home soon❤️

🌈Until next time

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