The Final Touches

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"Oooo, I really like how this one turned out!"

"Are you kidding?! That looks cute!"

The two girls kept admiring the final touches of the cards. they had at least 180 cards done...they were sure productive all right.

"Oh, don't forget your appointment is today at 5." Catra reminded Adora. "Oh, thanks babe...Are you sure you don't wanna come? It'll be pretty fun." Catra chuckled as she shook her head, "I can't go, dummy! It's like bad luck or something. You and Glimmer should go, she still needs her dress and her wedding is like two weeks from now."

(I'm timeskipping don't mind me-)

Adora pouted, "Man...You're right. I'm just really excited that's all...Seeing is both in our outfits. Just everything in general!" Catra smiled, "Oh trust me you have no idea how impatient I am-"

A knock was heard on the door. Catra and Adora looked at each other, "We're expecting?" Catra asked. Adora shrugged, "Its not Bow and Glimmer, thats for sure. They have an ultra sound appointment." Adora got and went to go answer the door.

"ADORA DEARIE! I knew this was the right address!"

Adora looked stunned to see her grandma at her front door as Catra grinned from ear to ear excitedly, "Awesome! Yo Razz!" Razz turned to Catra and smiled, "There's my favorite granddaughter in law!" Adora, still stunned, looked at her grandmother, "Grandma? How did you even get here? You can't drive!"

Razz scoffed, "Ahh, I took the bus! And you know what? Didn't cost me a dime! I got those suckers wrapped around my finger with the 'poor innocent' granny act." Catra looked at the woman, "Razz, I sure have missed you." Razz smiled and hugged the brunette, "Same here, Catra dearie. Now, where is Melog?"

Just on cue, the cat came running from the bedroom and 'meowed'. "Oh you pretty kitty, I got you catnipppp!" Razz smiled as she held out the toy filled with catnip. She threw it on the floor and the cat began to play with it. "What brings you to our 'humble affair' Razz?" Catra playfully said. Razz laughed, "Just checking on you two, you both seemed so busy, so I figured I'd stop and pay a visit."

Adora gave her grandma a hug, "Awe thank you for coming, Grandma. We were just doing some final touches to the cards before we send them out. But I might have to leave in a few hours-"

"Uhh hun? More like a few minutes." Catra cut her off as she showed her the time. Adora put her hands above her head in a panic, "Oh my gosh I have to go get Glimmer!" Adora hugged her grandma," I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, but you can stay with Catra for a bit."

Catra, however, had a suggestion in mind, " would you like to go dress fitting with them Razz? You're choice of course." Razz put her thinking face on and hummed, "Hmm...Eh what the heck! Why not? Won't you come along dearie?" She turned back at Catra who shook her head, "Can't. Don't want any bad luck."

"Hmm, or so she says." Adora teased as she grabbed her keys and purse. "We'll be back in a few.." Adora walked up to Catra and gave her a peck on the lips, "Love you."

Catra smiled, "Love you too, Blondie. Now go before your late." The two giggled as Adora and Razz made their way to the door, "See you soon dearest!" Razz waved at Catra who giggled, "Stay safe Razz." Once the two were out the door, Melog looked at Catra. Catra stared back.

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