The Re-encounter

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i can't stop reading lumity fanfics ugh, so excited for y'all to read the one i'm making,, aNYWAYS, HERE'S YOUR CHAP🤲



Adora and Catra stood stunned as they saw the tall woman who once used to be their vice principal in college, stand right in front of them.

"Ms.Michalka, Ms.Carrero. So lovely to see you both." The woman stated as she graced them

Not an 'Im gonna make sure your wedding is hell' smile, a genuine smile...

...woah, what the fu-

"What are you doing here?" Catra asked, still a bit shock. Ms.Weaver looked around and picked off a flower from a nearby bush, "Isn't it a bit obvious, Catra? I work here."

"You the gardens?"

Ms.Weaver shook her head, "Not exactly, no. I work at a venue and decorations company...this is one of my many venues." Adora cut off the tension she could sense from Catra, "Awe that's nice, well it's a very lovely venue. I'm sure my fiancé here, is very happy as I am as well."

Catra continued to stare at the woman, "That's great...Weaver." Ms.Weaver sighed, "Catra..." She walked towards Catra and extended her hand, "You can call me, Veronica." Catra and Adora looked at each other in confusion and then back at the woman.


Catra hesitated, but then shook the woman's hand, "And you can keep calling me Catra..Veronica." As soon as they broke off the handshake, the tension turned awkward. Until Adora looked so excited, "Ohh, this is so fun! I'm so glad you two are 'making up.'" Adora did the two finger quote. "Yea...Nice." Was all Catra could say. "Very. Well then..I hope you two have a very special wedding..I will make sure this venue will be absolutely perfect for the both of you." Veronica nodded.

Catra smiled, knowing that the woman was being genuine, "Thank you..It means a lot." As soon as Veronica excused herself, the two waved 'bye'. As soon as they were alone again, Adora practically threw herself on Catra, "Awe Babe, you finally got over your little grudge with her!" Catra chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Adora, "Yea, I guess...She may had been a little aggressive, but I know she means well..Maybe in some after life she's cold and cruel to me. But thankfully, that's not reality."

"Hmm, look at you being soft." Adora teased. Catra chuckled a bit as she ran one hand threw Adora's hair, "Just shut up and kiss me, you big dork." Adora giggled as she pressed a sweet kiss on Catra's lips, which she gladly returned.


Glimmer yelled from the backdoor the two girls came through. "BOW! THERE'S A KOI POND!" Bow peeked his head out and gasped with excitement, "I think this is my favorite part of being an adult!" He squealed as he went to follow Glimmer who went out. The couple gasped as they looked at the beautiful colorful fish. As the two kept going on about the fish, Catra and Adora laughed. Catra wrapped an arm around Adora's shoulder as she pulled her in closer.

"Hey..Wanna head home? It's getting dark." Catra whispered assuringly as Adora leaned in to put her head on Catra's shoulder as Catra kissed the crown of her head, "Mhm" Was all the blonde could say.

(Y'all, IK Catra isn't taller than Adora but lemme have my momen-)


"Mannn, what a day!"

Catra sighed as she practically threw herself over onto the couch. Bow and Glimmer said their goodbyes outside and didn't want to bother the two girls by coming inside.

"Pretty exciting if you ask me." Adora smiled as she closed the door. Catra murmured an 'uh huh' as Adora headed to the kitchen. "But hey, it's only 8 o clock! Wanna watch a movie or something?" She said as she grabbed a two cups for juice. "Mhm, or something." Catra rolled to her back and stretched, "Kinda just want to try and make something new."

"Oh? Like what?" Adora asked as she also put food in Melog's bowl. The cat heard noises and ran out of the bedroom and ate. "I dunno. Like food or crafts...maybe our cards?" Catra smiled. Adora handed Catra a cup and sat next to her, "We should definitely do that...tomorrow."

Catra pouted, "Why not nowww."

"Because..We don't materials yet and I want to go to Target tomorrow." Adora giggled as she laid on Catra's chest. Catra huffed playfully, "Finee..Anyways what should we do?" "Oh! We can watch that new episode of 'The Owl House'!" Adora exclaimed. "Hmm.." Catra set her cup down as she smirked at the blonde.

"I might have something better in mind."

Adora looked confused as Catra set down Adora's cup too. As soon as she did, she scooped up the blonde and carried her over her shoulders. "CATRA!" Adora giggled, "Put me down!" As Catra walked towards the bedroom door she looked back at the cat, "Sorry Melog, but you're gonna have to sleep in your cat tree." Melog looked up from their bowl and 'meow'ed in happiness, since the cat loves their cat tree.

"Now..As I was saying.."


i updated right on time👁👄👁 a n y w a y s y'all are getting a catradora shopping chap :D and we are getting close to the wedding,, meaning nearly the end🥺 BUT BARE W ME YALL,, bc there's sm more gay to come

🌈Until next time

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