The Plan

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Catra was nearly there.

She was inches away from proposing to Adora!


..That is, if she had a plan.

Catra groaned as she banged her head on the table in defeat. "Don't worry, Wild cat. I'm sure you'll figure something out." Scorpia smiled as she patted Catra on the back. "..I have no plan, zero ways on what to do, and I have no idea what to say to her besides the words 'Will you marry me?' " "Well..Look on the bright side, you got that part figured out." Scorpia smiled.

"Catra, if I were you I'd keep it really casual but sincere, every girl's dream is to have a heart felt speech while their significant other proposes to them." Perfuma butted in as she set some snacks down in front of the two women. "I wouldn't say it's their dream, but yes, keep it totally heart felt." Scorpia said. "Okay..But what do I to about the place?" Catra rose her head up only to slouch it on her hand.

"Take her somewhere that means something to you! Yea! I mean, she might get an idea of what you're doing, but hey, it means something to both of you. Pretty romantic." Scorpia beamed.

"Or you can take her someplace with know just sayin-"

"Honey no."

"Sooo, what you're saying is..I should take her to the first place I fell in love with her?" Catra asked lifting her head a bit. "Yea, pretty simple and romantic." Scorpia said, "Relieves memories." Catra looked at her fingers, that sounded like a good idea..but she couldn't figure which place would be...

She looked up from her fingers and gasped a bit.

...suiting..she knew just the place.



Glimmer practically busted the door open as she yelled out to Adora, who came back home from work. Adora practically fell out of her seat as she ate a peanut butter sandwich behind the counter, "W-What?" She lifted her head to see Glimmer. "Feast your eyes on, an enchanting and may I say beautiful pregnant lady, but also..!" She lifted her hand to show Adora a gorgeous sparkling sapphire ring on her finger, "..Future Mrs.Scribner!" Adora gasped in awe and then squealed as she got up and ran to her best friend. She then lifted Glimmer's hand to examine her ring, "Ohh it's gorgeous! I can't believe it took him this long." Adora awed.

"Hmm, could be the baby, but maybe he loves me as well." Glimmer joked a bit. Adora pouted a bit but smiled, "Glimmer, you know with or without a baby Bow loves you more than anyone else in this world."
Glimmer smiled and then smirked, "Yea yea I know, just took him long to grow a pair that's all." She waved playfully. The two girls laughed. "Anyways, where's Catra?" Glimmer asked.

"Oh she's out at Scorpia's. She left not too long ago." Adora said grabbing a water bottle and handing it to Glimmer, "Here, after all that screaming." Glimmer gulped it down in a second. "Thanks...So any reasons she went?" Adora shrugged, "Hmm..No clue. Figured they went to talk about Perfuma's store she's eventually opening." Glimmer smirked a bit.

"Hmm..inch resting."



Roughly three hours had past and it was nearly sundown. Glimmer had went home..Catra started going home..and she figured she could send a text.

Message to Blondie<3: Hey amor, I'm almost home..I just wanted to see if you wanted to go somewhere.

As soon as Catra stopped at a stoplight, Adora texted back.

Blondie<3:Ooo, exciting! I'd love to!

Catra smiled. She then sent a text and drove as soon as it turned green. But she, of course, had to make some stops along the way.

Message to Blondie<3:..It's a date❤️

Thank you all so much for telling me what you all wanted, it's a HUGE help! So what you ask you shall receive😼

🌈Until next time

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