The Important Meeting

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now back to our regular schedule program,, bc that chap was just a fever dream 😀 Also,, important mini A/N at the end so there wouldn't be confusion.

It had been at least two months since Adora and Catra were officially married.

It had been at least a week since they both came to an agreement.

And today was the day their agreement became a reality.

"Catra! Come on, we're gonna be late!" Adora called out to her wife as she put on her earrings. "Remind me again why were getting so..fancy?" Catra asked as she adjusted her shirt. "Pft, please. That's what it seems like to you." Adora scoffed playfully. "No I'm serious..It's just kids." Catra said as she walked to the door.

"Ever heard of looking presentable no matter what? We don't wanna scare the kids." Adora said as she grabbed her sweater. "Fine fine..I am excited though." Catra smiled as she grabbed the car keys.

"I know, now come on." Adora smiled. Catra opened the door for Adora first and then they took off.


(b4 we start,, idk how these rrly work so bare w me-)

"Hello! I'm so excited to help you two out today."

A woman greeted them at the front door, "My name is Miley and I'll be helping you meet one of our few children." Miley smiled as she extended her hand. "Adora Michalka! And this is my wife, Catra." Adora smiled as she shook Miley's hand. Catra felt her heart flutter by the way Adora introduced herself. No matter how many times she's done it, it still feels unreal to her. "Pleasure to meet you." Catra said as it was her turn to shake Miley's hand.

"The feeling is mutual! Now right this way." Miley smiled as she escorted the two to a door. Adora took a hold of Catra hand and smiled. Catra gave her a hopeful smile as she squeezed her hand. The two walked with Miley.


"So this Alex..That's Claire over there..And other there is Sebastian." Miley said as she pointed at the children with smiles. Catra and Adora looked around the children playing and eating. They were all so adorable..However, one caught Catra's eye.

"..What about..that little girl over there?" Catra asked as she gestured to the little girl sitting all alone in the corner drawing. She was a blonde little girl with a style that no other child had reminded Catra of herself.

"Oh! That's Mia..Would you like to meet her?" Miley asked. The couple looked at each other and then back at Miley, smiling. "Of course." Adora responded.

The three walked up to the little girl. "Mia, we have guests! They would like to meet you." Miley smiled as she lightly touched the little girl's shoulder. Mia looked up and felt a bit shy. "H-Hi." She smiled.

Adora and Catra crouched to her level, "Hi Mia..My names Adora and this is my wife Catra." Adora smiled. "..We were wondering if we could get to know you." Catra smiled. The little beamed with delight and nodded her head. "Well, that seems settled! I'll see you three in a bit." Miley smiled as she walked away.

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