The Overthinking

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Two days had past and the time kept crawling all the way until it was Scorpia and Perfuma's wedding.

Two days had past since Glimmer and Bow announced they were going to be parents.

Two days had past...and Catra still hides her phone once in a while.

It's not a big deal though, it's totally fine..


"Look Glimmer, I'm telling you Catra is hiding something from me and it's just..It's just bugging me." Adora said as she paced back and fourth with her phone in her ear.

"Look Adora, no offense, but I think you're overthinking justtt a tiny bit." Glimmer said on the other line. "But you don't get it, Catra and I don't keep secrets from each other. Let alone our phones." Adora then stopped pacing. "You know she changed her password too?! She never changes her password!" Adora freaked.

"What are you implying? That she's cheating?"

Adora froze a bit, "N-No.." Glimmer giggled, "Adora, I can guarantee you that Catra isn't cheating. That girl is head over heels for you. Remember that time she brought you a bush of roses just cause?" Adora sighed, "I-I dont know.."

"Okay, what's her password to her phone?"


Glimmer hummed as Adora groaned, "Ughh, fine." Adora then sat on the couch. "But still, it's not like her to hide things." "Maybe it's something shes not ready to talk about." "What if she's talking to Lonnie again." Adora froze as a wave of panic took over here. "Yeaaa, no. I get that she bumped into her but she made it pretttyy clear that she never wanted to see Lonnie again." Glimmer refreshed Adora's head.

A thought then popped into Adora's head. She whipped her head around to see if Catra was anywhere present before she spoke. "You don't think she got in contact with her mom, do you?"

"There's no way, Catra hates her mom's guts. Remember when you told me this?" "Yea, but you never know. Fresh starts are a thing." Adora pointed out. "You could be right..but either way you shouldn't interfere. Just give her some time." Glimmer said. Adora sighed, "You're right."

"Of course I'm right. Now-oof- I gotta go, my lunch is rising up-GOTTAGOLOVEYOUBYE-"

Before Adora could say goodbye back, Glimmer hung up leaving a giggling Adora. She then heard the front door open. "Hey babe, how was work?" Adora whipped her head to see her girlfriend appear. "Blondie, you should have seen this little boy! He was like this..this guitar legend!" Catra said with a wide smile as she sat down next to Adora, giving her a quick peck on the lips as she continued. Adora giggled, "I bet."

Adora then played with her fingers, "Hey,um...I-I wanted to ask you something." Catra looked at her, "Sure, go ahead." "You're...You're not..hiding anything from me..are you?" Adora said cautiously.


"I MEAN-um- anything I shouldn't be..worried about..are you? It's okay if you aren't ready to tell me what it is..I's not anything bad..right?" Adora said.

Catra looked at her shocked and then gave her a sympathy look, "Adora, I promise you it's nothing wrong. I just..I need some time." She smiled softly as she held Adora's hand. Adora smiled as she squeezed Catra's hand. "Okay, I mean I totally understand if you wanted to reunite with someone-" "What? What are you talking about? You mean Lonnie?" Catra asked.

Adora stared wide eyed, "...No, I meant..your mom."

Catra let go of Adora's hand, "Adora..that woman is dead to me. There's no way in hell I would reunite with her. And there's no way, I'm letting her near you." Catra got up. "Sorry..I have to go to the bathroom."

"Catra, I didn't mean-"

"No it's okay..I know you didn't mean any harm." Catra smiled as she went to the bathroom.

Adora knew that smile was fake and she felt horrible for even trying to butt in after Glimmer told her not to. Ughhhh why did she always have to be such an idiot?! Still, Adora wanted Catra to get in touch with her was really depressing to hear how they said their goodbyes.

But that thought of Catra hiding still lingered in her thoughts..she couldn't go to Catra again and ask..

..but she knew just the person to go to.

🌈Until next time

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