The Guilt

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Okay, LiStEn! I'm not normally an angst writer but ah ha,, you're getting it anYwAys❤️


"Adora, where were you today?"


"And don't tell me you were at Glimmer's." Catra crossed her arms as her anger softened a bit, "Adora..please stop lying to me.." Adora felt a sharp pain go through her. "Catra..if I told you..You're going to think the worst." "Well I'm already thinking the worst, so you might as well tell me." Catra said.

Glimmer, who was still here, went out of sight into the pantry to eat chips as she watched.

"I..I met your mom."

Catra's eyes went wide as a soft gasped could be heard from Glimmer, who was still eating chips. "Wha-Why? I told you to not go! And then you went behind my back?" "Catra, you know I would never hurt you..You know I wouldn't do that." Adora said.

Catra looked at her girlfriend, "I know I just...Adora, I..I feel like I can't trust you anymore."

Adora saw the pain in the girl's eyes, fuck fuck fuck, what has she done? "Catra I did this so you could be happy, you know all I want to do is see you happy."

"I get that Adora, but this..this is none of your business. That woman will never understand."

"But she's trying-"

"How could you possibly know!?"

Everyone froze after Catra's outburst. Glimmer, still kept eating chips. Catra took a deep breath, "Look..I'm sorry I just..I need to leave right now." "Catra please." Adora dared to come close to the girl and grabbed her hand. Catra looked up at her. "You know I wouldn't have done it unless I had good intentions." Adora said with plead in her eyes. Catra could tell that she meant it..Catra knows she wouldn't do it to her hurt her..

....yet, she lied.

"I know..I gotta get to work.." Catra said as she pressed her lips softly to Adora's hand. As soon as she started heading for the door, still holding by their fingers until she softly released them then headed out the door. Once the door closed, Adora stood in silence..and in guilt.


Glimmer said breaking the silence, "That, was surprising way better than any drama show I've ever watched." She took another chip before setting the bag down. She then made her way to Adora, " okay?" Glimmer worried. "Glimmer I blew Catra hates me.." Adora sighed. "Look..I get why she's upset, but give her some time." Glimmer smiled a bit. Adora looked at the floor, "I know Catra misses her mom..I just know it." "But why are you pushing it so much? You know it isn't your place." Glimmer put a hand on her shoulder. "I know but.." Adora looked up from the floor.

"Everyone should be happy...for future events."


The whole time Catra was at work, she couldn't help but remember what Alice had told her the day she went to buy the ring.

"..when you get married, you need to face certain challenges..and you shouldn't be anything but happy on your wedding day."

"Hello, Ms.Catra! How are you today?"

Catra looked up from the ring she was holding, only to look down from the counter. She smiled, "Hey Micheal, how's it going?" The 6 year old boy smiled up at Catra and held his mini guitar in front of him, "I'm good! I'm ready for my lesson!"

Catra smiled as she put the ring away, "Alright then, let's head to the lesson room." As they headed to where the mini room is Michael jumped up and down, "How are you today, Ms.Catra?" Catra sighed a bit as she smiled back down again, "Its, ah, it's going Michael..thanks."

Catra took out her phone to checked the time, only to find herself frowning a bit at her wallpaper. The wallpaper was her and Adora on their first day. "Is everything okay, Ms.Catra?" Micheal shot a worried look at the woman. Catra nodded at the boy and smiled, "I'm okay don't worry." She settled her phone down next to them and it took the phone a few seconds to turn off, but Michael noticed the wallpaper.

"Is that your friend?" He curiously asked. Catra smiled, "No..that's my girlfriend." Micheal shot her a confused look, "Oh.." Only to then beam up a bit, "She's really pretty! Just like you!" Catra chuckled softly as she ruffed the boy's hair, "Thanks Mike."

"My dad said that it's nasty for two girls or two boys to be together.." Micheal looked down, "..But mommy says that you can love who you love as long as they make you happy!" He beamed up again excitedly. "And my dad is learning now and he knows that it's okay now!Mommy says that it's good for people to learn!" Catra smiled as she listen to the boy..

..Okay, maybe Adora wanted to help but..could her mother really change?

Catra smiled, "Your mom is a great person, now..shall we?"


"Bye! Hope to see you again!" Catra waved at her last costumer who happened to be a little girl and her mother. "Bye, Ms.Catra! I hope I can be amazing just like you!" Micheal said coming out of the store right behind her. Catra crouched down and ruffled his hair again, "I'm sure you'll be as more awesome than me." Micheal giggled a bit. "Hey Micheal! You ready?" Micheal's mom approached them. Micheal looked up at his mom and smiled as Catra stood up, "Yea!"

Micheal's mom looked at Catra and smiled, "Thanks, as always..I was hoping he would inherit my interests buttt this works too."

Catra chuckled a bit as she crossed her arms, "I'm sure he will. Anytime, Entrapta."

Entrapta smiled and said her 'bye' to Catra while she helped Micheal's hand to the car. Catra smiled as she turned around to close her store. As she was putting down the metal door (y'all know what I'm talking about right?) and locking it, a person approached her. "..Catra?"

Without even turning her head, she replied, "I'm sorry but I don't any lessons scheduled today..But come back tomorrow!"

", I'm not here for that.."

"Oh, I'm sorry..What are you here for?" Catra asked, not looking back. "To..apologize..mija." The person said. Catra stopped. Everything around her froze. She felt her stop a bit as she dared to even turn There was no way. Catra's nightmare suddenly became a reality. Catra slowly turned around to look at the person, her eyes went wide as shock took over her body..she couldn't believe it.


🌈Until next time

My College Soulmate [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin