The Person of Secrets

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"My my my! You came to the right person, darling."

Adora sighed in relief was she laid her arms on the table, "D.T., you are a lifesaver..I know this must be wrong but, you're the only one who can help me out." D.T sat across the table as they put their elbows of the table while filing their nails, "Listen darling, I know it's a wrong thing to do..But when you need help, you need help. And you are clearly in a gay crisis."

"Ah ha, well I wouldn't say crisis-"

"You think kitten is cheating on you, so you clearly don't know her well at all." D.T looked at

Adora who blinked. "I'm sorry what-"

"Listen Adora, Catra has dealt with being cheated on in the past and she knows better than to do that to anyone, let alone you. So you, clearly, have nothing to worry about." D.T. smiles at Adora.

"I know I know, I just...has she..has she mentioned anything about her mom?" Adora asked playing with her fingers. D.T. hummed, "Hmm, I'm not entirely sure. Why do you ask?" "Well it's just..I've been thinking about doing something crazy," Adora said.

D.T leaned in a bit closer to the blonde, "And what would that be?" Adora kept her voice low,

"I want to meet Catra's mom."


"Ooo you got any of those pearl rose ones again?" Catra said practically smushing her face on the glass with the phone in her hand.

Alice giggled a bit, "Yes of course, just give me a second." As Alice grabbed the other set of rings from the other side, Catra stood up. "Sooo, what happened?" Scorpia said on the other line. "I-I don't wanna get into it, don't get me wrong I love Adora, I really do..but I don't want Camille around her." Catra sighed. "I should sit down and talk to her about it."

"Yea, maybe.." Catra giggled a bit.

"Yea- oh wait- PERFUMA THAT PLANT ISN'T REAL HONEY DON'T WATER IT!! Oh I gotta go, love ya Wild Cat!" Scorpia said on the other line causing Catra to chuckle a bit, "Yea, love ya too." As Catra hung up she sighed.

"Trouble in paradise, Ms. Michalka?" Alice said returning back with the rings. Catra looked down as she leaned on the glass table, "It's girlfriend wants to meet my so called mom and I have no idea what to do." Alice 'ahh'ed, "I get you..When I first started dating my husband, he never wanted me around his mother. But, oh, I desperately wanted him to make up with his mother.. You know why?"

Catra looked up at her in confusion, "How come?" "Because, when you get married, you need to face certain challenges..And you shouldn't be anything but happy on your wedding day." Alice smiled. "I know it isn't my buisness, but in my opinion, talk to Adora..Maybe she just wants what's best for you." Catra gave a sympathetic smile, "Thanks...Nowww how about that one?"


D.T quickly leaned back, "Oh no no no that simply won't do."

"D.T but-"

"Listen Adora, I can not and will not take you near that woman. Catra will have my head cut off if I took you." D.T crossed their arms. "I just want to see if I could, you know, make things better. And I really want to know more about her." Adora sighed. D.T. looked at the girl in sympathy and gave in. "Fine..I'll tell you more and give you her address." Adora looked at them and gasped in excitement.

"But you can not tell Catra about this. But if you do..leave me out of it, will ya?" D.T. said. Adora nodded eagerly, "I promise I won't tell her it was you." Adora then got up and hugged D.T. "OH, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You won't regret it." D.T. chuckled a bit, "Yea yea, I am the best." D.T. texted an address to Adora. "Hey, um..How do you know so much about Catra?" Adora asked. "What can I say? I have the face of someone who screams trustworthy." D.T. waved their hand in a dramatic gesture,

"Now, ask away my darling."

Hey y'all, sorry I didn't update yesterday I got so caught up with something but now, HOPEFULLY i am back on track :D

🌈Until next time

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