The Start Of Something New

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Glimmer hugged Catra to death as Catra tried getting away trying not to hurt the baby inside of her. "Ah, I feel like a proud mom!" Glimmer squeaked. "Y-You are a mom!" Catra murmured as she held on to Glimmer's shoulders, "NOW COULD YOU PLEASE-" Catra didn't even get to finish before Bow joined in. "Awe look at us! The best friend squad!" Catra groaned as she let them basically hug her to death.

As soon as they let go, Catra huffed, "Okay, for the sake of my being, don't hug me like that again. Ever." Glimmer and Bow giggled as they saw Adora come from behind and hug her, now, fiancé. Catra turned bright red. "How's this?" Adora flirted in Catra's ear. "Hm, I like this better." Catra simply said. Adora giggled as she kissed Catra's cheek. "Oh yea, I definitely like hugs and kisses." Catra smiled. Adora hummed as she whispered in her ear, "That's not the only place I can kiss."

Catra almost died on the spot.

That is until Glimmer saved her, "Ew come on you gays, get a room. My child does not need to hear this." "Um, honey? You do realize that the baby isn't born yet- You know what, nevermind." Bow sighed, having no intention to fight with his pregnant fiancé. "Okay okay, but still. They could hear things." Glimmer said as she patted her growing bump.

"Speaking of baby, when are you due Glim?" Adora asked. "Hmm I found out not to long ago..sooo, around April I'm guessing?" Glimmer make it come out as a question. "Eh, more or less." Bow chuckled a bit.

"Hmm, got a date yet?" Catra asked. "Ah ha, no no no. Question is, do you two have a date yet?" Glimmer smirked.

"Sparkles, we just got engaged-"

"How about November?"

Adora cut off her fiancé as Catra whipped her head to meet her face, "Uh, what?" "Oh come on! We can totally do November, wedding on a chilly day sounds nice." Adora shrugged. Catra got out of her grip and laughed a bit, "Mi vida, I love and all but um...November?"

"Yea, why not?"


"Yeaaaa, why not?" Adora asked confused. "You sure you wanna do November? Gets pretty chilly." Glimmer asked. "What's great about November?" Catra asked. Adora looked at her wide eyed. Catra stared at her in confusion, "Um...what? Did I say something wrong?"

"Catra..November!" Now it was Adora's turn. "Why do you think I want to do..Novemmmmber?" She empathized. "I still don't see why you wanna- oh." Catra cut herself off and then her face stood in horror.

"What? What's in November?" Glimmer asked. "Is it an anniversary?" Bow butted in. Catra paused. Then, all of a sudden, she got down on her knees in front of her fiancé, "I'm such an idiot, I am soooo sorry! I swear I'll never do a fuck up like this again." Adora giggled, "Come on Catra, I was joking around. But now you see my point."

"Uhhh, we still don't get it." Bow said with his fiancé confused as well. Catra stood up as Adora gave her a hand, "November was when we had our first date." "Our first real date, we also met around November." Catra added. Their friends looked at them confused. "Uhh no? You two met in August." Glimmer said. Adora giggled as Catra smirked, "Did we?"

Glimmer and Bow stood there in confusion, "Uh..what?"

"Maybeee there's something we should have told you." Adora patted the woman on the shoulder. "More like confirm." Catra chuckled.

20 minutes later...

"You two..owe me a dog."

"I-What?How?" Catra looked at her. "Well, I said in five years if you told each other you owe me a dog." Glimmer crossed her arms. "That..doesn't apply to me?" Catra made it sound like a question. "Fine fine, you'll get your dog." Adora said.

"B-But we're having a baby-"


Glimmer cut off Bow as she threw her hands around Adora. As the three chatted, Catra went on her phone. She wanted to do things beforehand and surprise Adora. And she knew exactly who to ask.

Catra :D: Hey, I'm gonna need a favor.

"So what do you think babe?"

Catra's thoughts were interrupted by her fiancé, "You think these two could handle two babies?" Adora smirked as Bow went on his knees, "Adora, please! We don't need a dog right now!" Bow voice cracked. Catra chuckled as she put an arm around Adora, "I am 100% sure they can." "Oh Bow, don't be so dramatic!" Glimmer sighed, "You're not the one walking around with a kid in your stomach for the next eight months. They were right..the first trimester sucks!" The rest chuckled as they tuned out the buzz coming from Catra's phone.

???: Just send me a signal and I'm there!

🌈Until next time

Also,, when this book ends,, what do y'all think of me doing a lumity story? 👀 btw watch owl house,, cutest thing ever 🥺

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