The Surprise

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*WARNING: slight mentions of nsfw and sexual tension* like seriously these two can't get enough each other-



"Do you..Do you think something will change?"

The two girls laid in bed, tired from..previous events. Adora laid on Catra's chest as Catra played with her hair. "What do you mean?" Catra asked. "You know, do you think something will change between us?" Catra snorted, "What, you mean like breaking up?" Adora quickly lifted her head in a panic, "NO! Thats not what I meant." Catra chuckled, "It's too easy. But seriously, what do you mean?" Adora got off of Catra, only to then lay beside her. "You know..Do you ever see a good change?"

Catra smiled, getting her hint. Catra turned to face Adora and grabbed her hand as she intertwined their fingers. Feeling this sudden urge, Catra placed a kiss on Adora's hand and smiled, "Absolutely I do." As the two laid together with smiles, Adora's phone buzzed. The two girls groaned and then laughed right after. Adora reached for her phone to see who it is.

Incoming Facetime: Glim <3

"Who is it?" Catra asked putting her head on Adora's shoulder. "It's Glimmer." Catra then reached for the phone, "Whatcha waiting for? Answer it." Adora then panicked, "Catra! We can't right now!" Catra smirked, "Why not?"

"Catra, did you forget that we are literally naked right now?"

"We have the sheets covering us, it'll be fine." "Catra that doesn't-" Before Adora could finish Catra, who is ever so smugged, answered the phone. "Hey Sparkles, how's it hanging?" "EW CATRA WHY ARE YOU NAKED? WHERE'S ADORA?" Glimmer said on the other line, covering her eyes. "Righttt here, teaches you a lesson to not cockblock." Catra smirked. "Does this even count as cockblock?" Adora joined in.

"Okay look, you two get dressed because Bow and I, your favorite couple, are taking you both out for dinner." Glimmer said. "Ooo, what's the occasion?" Catra butted in. "That, my dear horde scum, is a surprise. Now hurry! We are meeting at 8 pm sharp! Love ya byeeee." Glimmer said as she hung up.

"We should probably take a shower, its 6:05." Adora said as she put her undergarments on. "Ooo, what do you think the surprise is? I bet you ten bucks Sparkles is pregnant." Catra said doing the same thing. "I highly doubt that, they aren't even engaged." Adora giggled. "Sooo? Doesn't mean she couldn't be. You would get me pregnant if we weren't even engaged right?" Catra smirked hugging Adora from behind.

"We can't in-pregnant each other, you dummy."

"Studies shows, we can actually."

"Pfft, okay. Anyways, we should probably take a shower." Adora said as booped Catra's nose. Catra pouted but then smirked as an idea popped into her head. "Hey Adora.." She creeped up on the blonde. "Catra." Adora simply said.

"Wanna try and make a baby?"

Before Adora could answer, Catra lifted her and carried her bride style into the bathroom. "Catra!" Adora squealed as the two ended up laughing.


"Awe, you two are 30 minutes late." Glimmer pouted as the two girls made their way over to the table. "Sorry, we sorta lost track of time." Adora said as she sat down she fixed her dress. "Hmm, more or less." Catra sat fixing her suit. As they sat down, a waiter had served them some water. "Sooo, what's the surprise?" Adora asked excitedly. "Well, for starts, Bow got the job to be a professional archer...even though it's mainly a sport." Glimmer giggled as she locked arms with Bow. "Heyyy, it stills pay good." Bow pouted as Glimmer kissed his cheek. "Anyways, it would probably be for the best.." Glimmer then gave Adora a mini box and smiled. Adora and Catra looked at the box and opened it.

"Since, you know..I'm pregnant."


Hey y'all so I just wanna let u know I'm back at school which means I might update later than usual but donut worry :D I promise to update everyday so yeshhh

🌈Until next time

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