The Reunion

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*WARNING: long chap*

"Catra, I said what? "

Catra chuckled and walked to their door as Adora followed as a blushing mess. "Babe, would you relax? You're acting as if we aren't going to call each other that some day." "Okay but STILL! What if one day I say it out of nowhere again and someone asks about our wedding day? I don't want to put you in the uncomfortable situation!" Adora panicked as she threw her hands on her head.

Catra turned around and grabbed Adora's hands and put then on her shoulders, "Hmm, well...we can make it up."

"Catra, we can't make up a wedding day."

"You'd be surprised how easy it is."

"Wait dont tell me-"


"CATRA! How can you casually tell people we are already married?" Adora freaked as Catra looked at her proud, "Because I'm impatient." She simply said. Adora pouted as Catra chuckled, "Okay, I'm sorryyy." "Thank you." Adora smirked. "But still..." Catra looked at Adora adoringly, "...I can't wait to actually call you my wife."

Adora raised an eyebrow, clearly un amused as she smirked, "Alright, what did you do?" Catra was taken back a bit, "Why- What ever makes you think I did something?" She playfully gasped. Adora giggled as she playfully shoved her fiancé, "Oh please, each time you say something sappy you have something planned." Adora walked up to their door as Catra chuckled a bit.

"Okayyy maybe, I did something."

"And what would that be?"

Catra walked up to the door and gave Adora the key, " Open the door."

Adora opened the door to see a cake standing in the middle.

A cake?

Okayyy...this is unexpected.

"Uhh babe? Why is there a tall cake in our living room?" Adora looked confused as Catra chuckled. "Go near it." Adora looked at Catra as if she ate a bug, "A-Are you crazy?! It's a huge cake!"

"Just goooo, I promise it's nothing bad." Catra said as she gently pushed her fiancé near the cake. Adora then stood near it and looked at it.

Boy was it huge! But...why?

"Press the button that's there." Catra said. Adora looked at the table that the cake was sitting on and saw a mini button, "Catra I swear if a spider pops out or something I'm moving out." Adora said not even looking back. "Aweee but you love me too much to do that." Catra teased.

Adora hesitated a bit and then pressed the button. Confetti popped out of the cake as Adora yelled and shield her face.

"TA DA!!! See Catra, I told you the cake was a bad idea."

A voice was heard and Adora recognized it quickly. She looked at the top of the cake to see Entrapta pop out of it. "ENTRAPTA!" She squealed as Entrapta smiled, "HEY ADORA! Could you help me out here?"

Adora helped her off. Once her feet landed on the floor safely, the two hugged each other tight. "Oh my god, I thought I would never see you again! How did you find me?" Adora asked. Entrapta laughed as they parted, "It was all Catra. I'm surprised we haven't gotten in contact. I've been friends with Catra ever since she suggested me to hang out with her."

Adora looked at her fiancé with an 'awe' look, "You did this?" Catra shrugged her shoulders as she smiled, "Eh, I cant take all the credit. After high school we didn't really see each other until she dropped her kid off for a lesson."

"Soooo in reality, thank my son." Entrapta giggled. Adora looked at her, "You have a son?" She awed. Entrapta smiled, "Yes! His name is Micheal." She took out her phone and showed Adora a picture.

As the two ladies caught up with each other, Catra couldn't help but smile. She's glad she could make Adora happy like this, She deserves all the happiness in the world after all she's done for her.

Catra also thought of something else...

She knew it was too soon to ask..and she didn't know how to bring up the subject. Hell, she didn't how they'd be able to. But it felt strange..

But she'd bring it up later.. or sometime.

That sometimes became later on

As soon as Entrapta left it was 11:23 pm.

Adora and Catra got ready to lay in bed and just watch movies since they didn't have work the next day. As soon as Adora got out of the bathroom, she met Catra in bed and flopped right next to her.

"Hey..Thank you for today, it meant a lot." Adora said as she looked at her fiancé. Catra smiled and put an arm around her, "Of course, you deserve it after all." "Still..I appreciate a lot."

As the two cuddled and watched 'Puss n' Boots' for the millionth time, Catra kept glancing at Adora who kept watching the movie.

I'm gonna ask... It doesn't seem like the right time but.. when will it ever be?

Adora laughed at the movie, "Look, I told you that part gets me everytime-" "Adora..we need to talk." Catra blurted out. Adora could sense her nervousness and paused the movie, "Hey..Whats wrong?" Catra looked at her hand that was on her lap as she blushed nervously. They sat silently..

...that was until Melog meowed loudly, basically telling them to unpause the movie.

Adora rolled her eyes as she giggled, "Sorryyy." She played the movie but lowered the volume a bit as the cat continued to watch. She, then, returned her full attention to Catra, "Catra, talk to me."

Catra gave herself a minute and then looked at Adora... This was her moment.. Whether she liked it or not she had to say it...It's been on her mind for a while so she should just say it.


Just say it Catra..

Catra stayed quite again. Adora put a hand on her hand. "Catra-"

"I wanna have a baby."

🌈Until next time

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