The Encounter

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Catra looked at the girl crouched in front of her. She looked..different? Not in a bad way, more like in a brand new way. "It's been so long..Um, I-I don't wanna waste your time. You should go, I'll clean this up." Lonnie said as she started to pick up her things. Catra shook her head and helped her, "No, I wasn't looking so I'm helping." Once they finished, they stood up. "Um..thank you, for helping me." Lonnie said. "Yea it's no, how are you? You look different." Catra said, not even understanding why she's starting a conversation with her.

"Oh, um..I'm great actually..How about you?" Lonnie asked, not even daring to get into her life. "I'm..great too. Adora and I are living together. Started my own business, while Adora works for ET." Catra said cautiously. Lonnie smiled a bit, "So I've heard. I'm happy for you two." Wait is that..a genuine smile? From Lonnie?

"Okay, what is up with you? You're acting..weird." Catra said, clearing the elephant in the room. Lonnie giggled a bit, "Yea, I'm not the same bat shit crazy Lonnie from before..A lot has changed over the past few years if I'm honest." Catra stared at her..What the fuck-

"What's changed?" The words blurted out from Catra, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked-" "Naw it's fine." Lonnie chuckled. "Well for starters, I broke up with Josh. Realized that's where my toxic ness came from..although I had no choice since he was arrested for trying to steal a fucken monkey from the zoo." Catra cringed a bit, "Yeaa, saw that on the news."

"Yea..anyways, then I started going to therapy which helped me a lot, which led to me going to a therapy retreat to drain all that bitterness away..Sooner or later, I got a job at a mini supply shop." Lonnie finished. Catra, to say the least, was impressed. "Wow Lonnie..that's..that's good news."

"Yea, ah ha.." Lonnie trailed off and became more serious. "Listen, Catra..I thought I would never get the opportunity to say this since I was a really, really horrible person..and I know my actions can't ever be forgiven..but what I want you to know is that I'm really sorry. I'm sorry about everything I Adora, to you..To Sam. It was a really shitty thing to do. You don't even have to forgive me, hell I understand if this is the last time you want to see me..But I just wanna say I'm sorry. For everything." Lonnie said looking at the ground.

Catra blinked, "You're right, I never wanna see you again.." She trailed off but then put her hands on Lonnie's shoulders causing Lonnie to look up from the ground. "But I'm glad you're taking responsibility for shows how much you've matured, so I'll except it. But if we ever do bump into each other... again, a fresh start will be nice." Catra smiled.

Lonnie smiled, "Thanks Catra, it means a lot." She then secured her things, "Well, I'll be on my way! Take care, Catra." Catra smiled, "You too, Lonnie..By the way, don't catch me seeing you ever again doing the same shit." Lonnie giggled, "Of course."
Catra waved goodbye to Lonnie.

Wow...what a development.

As she stood in thought, her phone buzzed. Catra reached for her phone.

Blondie<3: Attachment:1 Image
Blondie<3: Speeding up the process?

Catra stared at her phone and blushed. Oh yea, she should really be getting home now.

🌈Until next time

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