The Forbidden Secrets

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HEY! YALL WANT SOME ANGST?! well guess what, ur getting it anyway❤️ also long chap,, for ur sake❤️

Catra woke up earlier than Adora and she was rather, pissed? To say at the least? She didn't know how she felt, all she knew was that Adora was going behind her back to go see her mom.

Her mom. Catra's mom, Camille, the woman that Catra would never let her girlfriend near. Or future fiancée, to say at the least.

"Mm, Morning babe. Wow, my head is killing me." Adora yawned as she entered the kitchen and planted a kiss on Catra's head. She then reached into the cabinet to grab a cup. "Adora...we need to talk." Catra said, staring down at her coffee.

"I'm so sorry I got really drunk yesterday. It wasn't my intention, I don't know what came over me." Adora said as she served herself water and sat down next to Catra. "It...It's not that." Catra said. She then stared up at Adora. "Adora..tell me the truth.." Adora looked at Catra, worried. She's never seen Catra look this serious.

"..Are you meeting my mom?"


" You know what? I think I wanna drive a boat." Glimmer huffed out of nowhere.

Bow raised an eyebrow, "A boat? Why a boat?" "Hmm, I dont know..I'm getting a sense that I need it." Glimmer said with a pout. Bow chuckled a bit, "I think it's just the pregnancy making you think things, love." "Maybe.." Glimmer pouted. Bow then put the plates that were in front of them, after eating, into the sink.

"Hey..You wanna go on a trip?" Bow suddenly said.

"Ooo, a trip? Where to?" Glimmer said as she was still drinking her juice. Bow faced Glimmer, even though her back was turned to him, "" Glimmer giggled a bit, "Well, I hope it's romantic to say at the least." Bow had taken out something from his pocket and exhale the breath he was holding in. He, then, put the small object behind his back and had a grip on it, "You can say that."

The object behind his a little black box.


"W-What? No, I'm not. Why would you ask something like that?" Adora asked. "It's just..yesterday you said you were meeting someone...someone from the past." Catra said. "Catra, I was drunk. I was probably joking-"

"Why are you saying probably? So you are meeting someone?"

"Catra, no! You know I wouldn't meet with someone behind your back unless it's for a good reason."

"What do you mean, for a good reason?"

"Oh? So we're playing 20 questions? Okay. Why don't you tell me who you're texting all the time?" Adora stood up and crossed her arms. "W-What?" Catra stood up right after her. "Yea, if it's not your mom then who is it?" Adora glared. It was Catra's turn to glare.

"What are you implying? That I'm cheating?!"

Adora stood silent. Catra looked at her, wide eyed as her glare soften to worried. They stood in silence, until Catra spoke. "Oh my god...You think I'm cheating on you?"


Adora turned away from embarrassment. Catra couldn't believe what she was hearing. She got closer and put her hands on Adora's shoulders, "Adora..look at me."

Adora didn't look, she just couldn't. Catra tried one more time. "Adora, look at me..please." This time Adora managed to make eye contact with Catra. "How could you possibly think I would cheat on you? mean everything to me, okay? I'm crazy about you." Catra softly smiled. " changed your password. You're always hiding your phone.."

"Adora..I promise you, it's not what you think. I'm sorry I worried you so much, I'll stop doing those things." Catra smiled.

Well, there wasn't any reason to do it anymore sinceee she had the ring already.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to make you upset. My mind just..It's not like I don't trust you..I just thought, since I'm so clingy and stuff..that you got tired of me." Adora said crossing her arms looking away again. Catra looked at her and blinked. Once. Twice.

Okay. Getting down on my knee sounds good right about now-

"Adora, I love it when you're clingy. It makes me feel like you actually want me around." Catra chuckled. "Look, the point is, I would never ever get tired of you..I love you so much, so don't you dare think like that ever again..okay?"

Adora looked up at the girl and smiled, "Okay..And I'm sorry I made you worry too. I promise I wouldn't do the worst." Catra smiled and hugged the blonde. "Well, now I just want some donuts. You in?"

The two girls laughed. "I'm sorry love, but as touching as this was, I have to go help Glimmer figure out whether she wants a baby shower or not." Adora said. Catra pouted, "After that loving speech I just gave?" Adora giggled and pressed a quick kiss on her cheek, "I promise I'll make it up to you."

She quickly went upstairs to get dressed. Catra looked at Melog who had been sitting on the floor this whole time. "Don't look at me like that."


Well...This is the place.

Adora looked at the address again to be completely sure. She then took a deep breath and walked up the mini stairs leading to the door. Once she made it, she gave it three knocks. The door then opened, "Hello?"

"Oh, um, hi..Are you Camille Michalka?" Adora asked looking at the woman in front of her. "Yes, who are you?" Camille asked the blonde in front of her.

"My name's Adora..and I'm here to talk about your daughter."

🌈Until next time

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