Chapter 2-Amends

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Spencer walked up and he motioned you to come over.

He slowly revealed what he kept hidden in his hand.

"You left it at my apartment." He whispered.

In your hand was the necklace Clarke gave you.

"Thank you so much Spencer, it means a lot." He smiled.

"A friend give it to you?" He asked as you clasped it around your neck. You smile at the thought of her.

"Yeah, someone special." He smiled before returning back to his desk.

The rest of the day was boring. Although, you kept noticing Spencer eyeing you from his desk. You didn't say anything about it, thinking it was nothing. But it looked like he wanted to ask you a question but he couldn't get it out.

You finished your work just before the clock read 8:00pm.

"Hey y/n." He said standing up. You turn toward him.

"Hey Spencer." You mimicked.

He straightened his posture and licked his lips.

"Do you wanna hang out? Maybe come over and get some takeout?" He said nervously.

Before you could speak he started to have doubts.

"You don't have to if you don't want to-"

"Spencer." You stopped his rambling. "Yes of course I would."

His eyes traced to yours and he readjusted the strap of his satchel.

"Uh yeah alright." He was nervous but it was cute.

"Just don't make eggs again." You teased.

He looked down and smiled.

Derek, on the other side of the room, had heard that. He discreetly looked over and raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

Don't worry Derek. It's just two coworkers going to hangout.

You left your car at the BAU and he drove you to his apartment. Maybe now that you were sober you could have a better impression and actually remember what happened the following day.

You would sometimes catch yourself staring at your coworker for an excessive amount of time. You would shake your head and return your gaze to the front of the car.

Were you falling for Spencer Reid?

His apartment looked the same from last time you were there. Last night.

You made yourself at home by going to the couch and turning the tv on while Spencer ordered Chinese. You studied every corner of the room, seeing things you didn't see the day before. You stopped looking around when you saw him looking at you. The phone was to his ear waiting to be let off hold. You nervously smile and turn your attention to the tv.

After he placed the order he sat opposite you on the couch. Your stomach fluttered and oh my god you were falling for him! Stop!

You told yourself that there was no way you had a chance with the Spencer Reid. No way...

He broke the silence.

"Soo this 'someone special' the one who gave you the necklace. They a boyfriend, girlfriend?" Your eyebrows peaked in interest.

Was he asking if you were single? Then it hit you. It did seem like a significant other when you said 'special'.

"Oh no." You nervously laugh. Biting the inside of your cheek to stop from blushing. "She's a really good friend. A great one." You smile at the thought of her and lightly trace the outline of the sun.

Just then the doorbell rang. It saved you from that misapprehension. He got up and through the door you could see it was a delivery man. "$17.50." You heard him say. You felt guilty letting him pay. But before you could do or say anything the food was already in the apartment and the delivery man was gone.

He brought the food over and you both ate on the couch. The conversation was great.

Laughing and small talk. You got to know a little more about your coworker, as did he. But yet again, you never brought up your past. It felt like you could tell him anything, that it was safe to, but you weren't that comfortable yet.

You helped clean it up and he offered you a ride back home. It was midnight by this time.

Your eyes were heavy and tired so he drove you back. The car ride to your apartment was 10 minutes. It seemed it lasted forever.

You felt his hand lightly shake your shoulder. He whispered a "wake up" and you realized you had fallen asleep with your head on the window. You rub your eyes and mutter a "sorry". He smiled and watched as you went into your apartment again, making sure you were safe before driving off.

A Time To Love | Spencer ReidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin