Rise~ Predaking x Femme reader

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Requested by Emmacurry161

You got it, hun. One Predaking story coming right up!

• I made the reader a seeker femme. You know, for plot purposes.
• I also ended up changing the whole canon scene of Predaking's first transformation.

(A/N: It's come to my attention that I have written 'Peds" instead of "pedes" for the large majority of this book. Some have told me that it can go both ways, and I've seen stories with both versions, but idk. I'm not changing it as of right now, because that would be a lot of work... Deal with it 😎)


"You're not so bad, are you now?" I say as I gently raked my digits through the predacon's metallic slates on his form. He purred into the touch, and nuzzled up to me. "Didn't think so, big boy."

The predacon shifted and let his helm rest on my tibulens (thighs). I gently stroked his helm until I seen the glow of yellow amber optics fade out and replace with the pause of darkness around. The sun had already set, and night began to show more of it's characteristics. The stars came out of hiding, and the moon was shone big and brilliantly bold tonight.

I continued to pat the magnificent beast, watching the atmosphere grow darker around me. My helm found it's way onto the soft metal tail next to me, and I shifted to look up at the sky. My predacon shifted closer to plant his helm back on my body, making sure not to crush me.

"Not tired either? I don't blame you. Shockwave can be brutal at times with his so called 'testing.' I'll get better, bud. No one will hurt you again. Not starscream, not no one."

The predacon's optics fluttered open, looking back to me. I smiled and lifted a servo to brush his rough faceplate ridges and horns, making him calm again. The sound of the doors to the flight deck rung out, causing me to tilt my helm back to the floor, seeing the high heels coming closer from the upside down.

"What are you doing next to that beast. It's nearly 2 in the morning and you're laying cold on the deck." Starscream said dryly. I shrugged, and shifted my posture to look at him right side up now. The predacon growled before I brushed him back into neutral.

"You know, It's as if that thing can understand what I say." The seeker insulted.

"We never know, do we? Preda here just might have some tricks up his sleeve. I'm in his corner if anything goes down on this dreaded ship." I say, getting up from my spot. The predacon growled and grunted under his breath, losing the warmth I provided. I quickly noticed this, and stood to give him short and fast hyper rubs all over his back and chassis plating. He gave into the attention and whimpered in playfulness, nuzzling his helm into me quite vigorously. I laughed, as the seeker watched not two feet away, disgusted.

"I don't know how you deal with it, sister." The seeker said, plopping down next to me, but far enough to have a reliable escape route. "How do you have the patience for that, that beast? He could offline you at any moment."

"Unlike you, I have a spark, and know how to love something, Screamer. I'm not a coward, either. If one day he wants a challenge, then I'll challenge him."

My twin brother rolled his optics, laughing to himself in the slightest.

"Ha-ha-ha, that's so funny..." Starscream said, sarcasm leaking from his intake, as his faceplates looked un-amused. He sat crossed-armed and proud. "You meaning to tell me I don't 'love' my own sibling whom possesses the other piece of my split- spark? I have the other half, so technically, I am capable of love if you are. And FYI, you're not challenging him. Not under my watch."

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