Change of plans~ Breakdown x Childish Femme Autobot reader

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Requested by:  Allyson46073

• Reader is childish and Naive :)
• Reader is also a Autobot, as you can see from the title :D

Change of plans

"Y/D, on your left!" Optimus shouted, pushing past the swarming vehicons to warm the team's youngest member.
Y/D wasn't much younger than Bumblebee, in fact, only by a few cycles. They shared many similarities, one of them being childlike. Bumblebee knew when and how to turn it off, Y/D being the opposite. She tried her best on the battlefield, but she could be easily distracted or even forget how to properly fight.

Y/D swung her helm to the right, seeing the oncoming vehicon. She dropped her weapons and put her servos up, antagonizing the Decepticon.

"I see you, C'mere big guy."

The vehicon charged, and Y/D grabbed his upper arm, throwing him over her shoulders, letting him hit the ground. She turned and quickly shot his helm, turning hers away. She didn't like to offline anybody, but if it was to help and save her family, she would gladly fight for them.

"And that's how it's done, Y/D 1, random vehicon 0." She did a quick little victory dance, just before Optimus shouted and jumped in front of her, blocking her from a sneaky vehicon coming up from her right side. She of course stopped dancing.

The remaining vehicons called a ground re-treat, before scattering and disappearing from sight.

Optimus turned back to his team, only Y/D and Bumblebee stood before him, as he didn't need the full team to scout alongside him. They were just lucky they only found vehicons. Sadly no energon though.

Optimus turned then to face Y/D.

(Y/D's pov)

"Y/D, I do not know what to do. You almost offlined because of your childlike persona. You cannot just dance after every offlining, it's too distracting. We need you Y/D, you're an important part of team Prime, just like everyone else. Perhaps you need some time at base to yourself before being allowed back on the field."

My helm was bowed, looking at the ground. As soon as I heard the Prime say I need to stay at base, I looked up.

"I'm sorry Optimus, but keeping me at base isn't going to solve anything. I just have to learn how to control my emotions better."

"Precisely. I know at times it could be hard, as you are our youngest member, with less experi-"

"You can't use my experience as my excuse! I'm just about the same age as Bumblebee!" I yell up to the Prime, cutting him off.

"And yet Bumblebee keeps his focus on his tasks. If you don't want me to talk about experience, how is it that Bumblebee is your same age and yet he is higher in ranks?"

I went to speak, but stopped myself. Bumblebee beside me kept silent, but I could tell from the way he was looking at me that he just wanted this to be over with. Knowing him he just wanted to give me a hug.

I swallowed my pride, and looked back up to the Prime, most likely waiting for my response.

"You're right. I will try my best to keep every grain of my true personality out of it, and maybe act like a normal soldier for once." I said, before transforming into my alt, waiting for the groundbrige Bumblebee called for.

"Y/D, I do not mean that you-"

Optimus didn't get to finish his sentence as the groundbridge opened behind him. I drove right past.

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