Say it softly~ Soundwave x Shy Female reader

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Requested by the lovely purplelavendxr

• I tried following your request down to the T! I hope you enjoy :)
• Reader is also a singer in dis. If you're like me and can't sing for shit, live in the moment that you can just this once (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
• Shorter OS! Sorry in advanceee

Say it softly

My heart was thumping against my chest as I chose to say silent through this whole ordeal. One minute I was walking back from my daily piano lessons, and now I'm living the 80's nightmare of having my picture on the back of a milk carton under the highlighted "Have you seen this person?" ad.

I didn't even get to see my kidnapper, nor did I even know if it was a male or female whom committed the act of capture. But whoever had me tied up in the back of this car was a expert on stealth, because we have yet to hit the smallest pebble on the cracked roads of central Nevada. If my hands were accessible I'd definitely be pounding out this trunk's hatch door.

But i'm shy, and I often forget that small no punching out tailpipes and hatch doors and whatnot anyways.

Finally we stopped in time for my motion sickness to kick back and fizzle out before it got real bad.

"I have the girl" I heard a jumble of voices, mostly dark, play back. By context I'm going to assume this -thing- wasn't talking to me. I stayed silent during the whole commotion, not liking to speak in general anyways. This isn't much different.

"Ah, Soundwave you never cease to fail me. Bring the girl to my throne room if you please."

A noise was heard as whatever I was traveling in dumped me on the floor. I seen the gun gray floor mere inches from my face before I felt the harsh tug on my jacket's hoodie, stopping me from face-planting on the ground. I mean the gesture still choked me a little but I'll take this before a broken...everything.

I slowly opened my eyes back up to see this dark and dreary metal world around me, and the slenderized fingered that held me up. I traced the image back to it's source, dragging my sight up to the armored bot that stood before me. I already peiced together his-or her- name was Soundwave. With a voice like that I hope it's a male though, that's gotta hurt. But enough about genders, I don't even know what this being was.

But it certainly was far more intelligent than us.

The bot raised me to it's blank screen, turning me a little as he probably scanned me and the details. Was this the first time they seen a human? And with the other voice I heard I can already tell there's more like him.

The slender bot just blankly held me as he started to walk, not caring to put me down or anything. I held up my hands, signaling "Do you speak" in sign language. This bot stopped in his tracks, his screen-like face popping up with what looks to be a sourced page. Files opened and closed, before the visor went blank again. He nodded, adding a smiley face for giggles.

He opened two huge doors, my attention panning over to the two lurky and dull maroon optics half-lidded on the throne. A possible leader.

Soundwave let me stand on my own now as I stood on the first step to the throne.

"You stand before Megatron, Leader of the Decepticon army." The dark voice boomed out, peaking his metal head up and more into the light. I got a good look of the battle scarred leader, his sharp teeth shining down on me as his what looks to be silver finish glimmered in the moonlight shone from the window.

"I'll get to my point. Do you know who these humans are?" The warlord lifted and kinda flicked his hand over to the tall stud behind me, who showed me a picture of three random kids, one having loud pink streaked hair who stole the show.

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