Change of plans (2) ~ Breakdown x Childish Femme reader

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This is the second part to my previous chapter under the same name, So I heavenly suggest you read the first part if you haven't, 'cause this probably won't make much sense :/

Change of plans (2)

The sun was stationed predominantly just above the horizon, highlighting the golden leaves of the trees around me. The ground was covered with them, and It was hard to walk and not hear all the crunches under you. The tree was hiding behind was nice and thick, much to my liking.

My spark was thumping 100 kliks faster than normal as I held my cannon close to my chassis. My servo was tightly gripping my intake, trying not to make noise. I cocked my gun, which barreled out a loud bang. I silently cursed myself out, and peered out from my hiding spot.

I didn't see anything, and there was no pedsteps near me. I turned back to my hiding place and continued to try and keep as silent as possible. My Optics closed, and I tried my best to fix my posture and hug the tree more with my backstrut. I knew I had to move, I can't just stay here and wait to be taken down like this. I summed up every ounce of courage I had, and made a mad dash to the thickest tree near me, which happened to be a good sprint away. The leaves crunched under me, but there was nothing I can do.

I finally made it to the tree, taking a minute to catch the air I didn't need. My servo was on my heaving chassis, the other returned next to my spark chamber, ready to fire at any sign of a threat. This was a fierce game, and there can only be one winner in the end. Only Primus knows how hard i'll fight to stay online.

And that's when I heard the pedsteps near me. I went frozen and made sure my cannon was loaded. The pedsteps got louder and then stopped.

I knew he was here. I looked to all the trees in my vision, but I didn't see him, which only meant one thing. Slowly, I turned to face my tree and peaked my helm and cannon out from my hiding place, looking the opposite direction out in front of me. There I saw him, crouching down behind a boulder looking the other way, aiming his cannon to the surrounding trees. He was listening for any sign of noise, and when I turned around and peaked my helm out, my peds shuffled in the leaves below me.

His helm instinctively turned to face me, his cannon following. There was no point in trying to hide, it was now or never. I moved a little from behind the tree and aimed directly at him. I shot a few rounds, him doing the same thing at me. I seen the bright neon green splatter all across his chassis, and the brilliant yellow being thrown at me. I felt the paint balls pelt my side, seeing the yellow paint splattered all over my body. I raised my servo to my optics, rubbing the splattered paint away. I had to think fast on what to do next, I was losing by a long run. I began running towards the opposite direction, hearing the heavy mass behind me following.

By now I couldn't hold my smile in, as I pushed my body to dance through the identical twin trees in the fading sunlight.

"Oh, now you're getting it!" I heard Breakdown yell from behind me. I laughed to myself, not stopping for my life. "You gotta catch me first, slow poke!"

I wasn't good on deciding on what to do on the spot, but found myself making some sharp turns through the forest to try and get him off of my tailpipe. With no such luck he sped up and grabbed my shoulder blades, tackling me to the ground, pinning my servos above my helm in the process. I laughed as he straddled my hips, not letting go of my servos for his life.

"Say it." He said, his faceplate coming dangerously close to mine.

"..No.." I whispered to him, giggling again.

"Say it!" He said a little louder. He removed one servo and traveled down my body, tickling me in the process. Oh this sick mech, how is this fair?!

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