A new Horizon~ Starscream x Passive Femme reader

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Requested by beepbeeprichie97
Enjoy! Xoxo

•Passive: Without active response

A new Horizon

Y/D pushed the mine cart hastily, making sure she wouldn't spill its content out on the mineshaft's floor. The energon crystals shifted with other earthy materials in the cart, which sparkled when it hit the little bit of sunlight that bled through the roof of the cave. The femme carefully made her way to the main mine cart that held all of the already collected and clean energon spheres.

Y/D was an average working seeker, she liked to stay in the shadows and focused only on pleasing her fellow Decepticons. She was a very hard worker but hated the praise, unlike her high-heeled commander. Starscream was in charge of this energon expedition, as always, nowadays. The commander stood all high and mighty next to the main deposit cart with his arms wrapped delicately behind him.
The seeker let his dermas shift into a smile once he seen who was making their way over to him.

"Ah, Y/D. It's always a pleasure to see how much you never disappoint."

(1st pov)

For some reason, The grey seeker never screamed at you, or barked harsh orders for you to follow through with like he does to everyone else. He only praised, and for the simplest tasks, too. One would think he actually had the spark to care for someone...never for a "nobody" though.

I made my way over towards the commander and gave him a small bow out of respect. I quickly got to work, not wanting to fail him.


Next to Starscream stood the already collected energon crystals and a washing station. Starscream walked up to Y/D and started helping her clean off the dirt covered spheres and added them to the collection cart. She immediately mentally started to question his actions. He would never help anyone, so why is he doing so right now?

The two of them quietly worked together in the bustling shaft. Out of the corner of her optics, she could see the seeker stealing small glares as her frame and faceplate, just to turn away whenever he thought she caught him. Y/D tried to hold her pokerface but the battle was quickly lost and her smile grew, along with her low chuckle. As soon as she heard herself laugh, she distinguished any trace of what just happened, returning back to her normal state.

But out of Starscream's perpetual vision, he caught the last glimpse of her fading smile.

"Tell me femme, why on Earth are you smiling like that?"

Y/D straightened out her posture and lightly leaned her helm to the side, not having enough courage to look at her commander in the optics.

"No reason Commander Starscream, I-I was just thinking of something, that's all..."

(1st POV)

Scrap I hope he buys that.

I continued to scrub the energon vigorously, trying not to make optic contact whatsoever. The dirt was seemingly compacted to these things, enough to break a sweat and pound all the elbow grease I had. The air was heavy, and this intense pressure was centered behind me didn't help me work faster. I softly looked over to where Commander Starscream stood, only to find him completely gone. A small sound was heard behind me, and right then and there my biggest fear was answered. I closed my optics and stopped my work. My spark was racing, and worry poured into my processor when the silence grew too loud.

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