The distance~ Ultra Magnus x Female reader

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Requested by Prax213

Hope you enjoy! Untra Magnus is so underrated in my opinion, like yes he needs love too!

• Soso sorry this took so long! I have this story and one more and then I'm caught up in this book! The weight will be lifted a little and i'll prob give this book a rest for a hot second, or maybe write some of my own ideas :)
• The request wasn't huge so this story is going to be short and sweet, I shall work my author magic for you ✨

The Distance

The base was too quiet, deadly
quiet. Bumblebee picked his helm up from under the counter where he hid but quickly ducked as another flower pot was thrown. That was the third one thrown in the hour, Ratchet's poor petunias were all over the ground. They sure were at it again.

"Oh come on Y/N! It's my job."

"Bullshit Magnus! Risking your life like that is so freaking childish, you know damn well what you did was not in protocol.
I can't even deal with your stress anymore! You're going to give me a heart attack!"

"Oh well excuse me for defending my family! Can I not do that anymore?!"

This has been going on for hours. Miko so happened to overhear Bulkhead share the mission he, Wheeljack, and the commander came back from to Ratchet and shared it with Y/N not knowing she'd freak out this bad. The kids were long gone, Bulkhead rushing out with them as soon as she started yelling. Bumblebee was cornered, just wanting to go to his room without anything accidentally hitting him (again). The others were either in their rooms, out patrolling, or working. If Optimus wasn't out he would've put a stop to it but alas he wasn't in the base and so the fight just escalated from there. Ratchet could care less about this whole thing as he tried to block out the shouting with audio plugs as he worked on the monitors, although he did grow mad with his now wilting flowers all over the ground. How dare she...

"Why do you keep risking your life like that?! Do you really want to offline that bad??"

"Y/N you're being ridiculous! No don't want to offline, I was protecting my team for Pete's sake! Let it go."

"No I won't let it go. I was this close to losing you today and you think it's fine. It's not fine Magnus, I don't know what I'd do without you." She gestured with her hands the tiny space of how close his encounter was today for her. "The distance growing between us is just continuing Magnus, please just admit that."

"Distance? Oh Y/N please just knock it off. You're over-exaggerating everything like always." When it came to their relationship, the first human/cybertronian pair were documented as having their problems like any other couple. They fell in love quickly after Magnus traveled to Earth.

"Do you two HAVE to argue on the middle of the base like this for all of us to hear your problems? You have a private room, you know." Ratchet sighed, gesturing for Bumblebee to stand up. Bee did, and quickly ran to his room.
"And my petunias are ruined! Those took me months! You too better clean up your act or else, ugh. Now you both owe me more petunias, I swear I try something like gardening and all I get is

The room grew silent for once, the young female stomping her way down the stairs and carefully to their room. Ultra Magnus reached out to her but she quickly sped up and slammed their door. He switched to his holoform after that.

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