He again couldn't stop smiling at the girl. "What have you done to me Lalisa Manoban?" He whispered.

Lisa stopped playing the guitar. "Okay, now I only need to wite the essay on this song."

Jungkook's ears perked up, hearing this. 'So she is doing a project on my song' He smirked.

"Never knew you were a fan Miss Manoban. I am flattered" Jungkook said as he entered the terrace. Lisa's head shot up and her eyes widened.

"W-what" Lisa's face redenned. But she being Lalisa, went back to being her usual cool self in no time. She took a long breathe and said, "You are thirty minutes early Jeon." She said.

"I am. But you didn't answer my question. You chose my song for your project" He quirked up his eyebrows.

"Yes I did." Lisa said, "Just because you are an insufferable and annoying pain in ass doesn't mean that you aren't a good artist. You have the vocals of an angel. Of course, I like your work" She completed coolly.

Jungkook smirked at this. 'She is witty like a fixen' He thought, amused.

"C'mon let's start studying, I don't have all day." Lisa said as she kept the guitar beside her.

"Aww..doll are you that eager to teach me." He said in a teasing tone.

"If you call me by that name once again..then I will kill you Jeon Jungkook."

"Okay okay. Nobody's going to jail here. Calm down."

"Okay so your song was....." Lisa said.

"Fake love." Jungkook said.

"Okay let's star-" Lisa said but was cut of by Jungkook.

"Yayyyyy." Jungkook started ating like a child. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows but shrugged it off.

"Okay so  the first thing that we do in any report is that we write the first inpression of the piece of work. Here we will talk about how we can justify the title and what was our first impression of it." Lisa said.

Jungkook made a plane out of a page and flew it. "What are you doing Jungkook" Lisa asked as she gritted her teeth.

The next ten minutes were hell to Lisa. She couldn't teach a thing to Jungkook. Jungkook really was insufferable. Finally, she got annoyed and stood up.

"Call me when you have a mood to study. Bye." She said and started walking off. But was only pulled back by Jungkook.

"Okay okay sorry." Jungkook said, "Why don't we sign a deal." He said.

"A deal?" Lisa was taken off guard with JK's sudden offer.

"Yes, a deal. If I behave properly throughout the lessons and make things easier for you then I get a reward in the end." He completed.

Lisa massaged her temples. 'What worse can he ask from me besides giving him these lectures. He is quite rich so he won't want my property too' Lisa thought carefully and only because she didn't wanna give herself further headache, she said "Alright."

"Okay so what do you infer from the title." Lisa asked Jungkook. By now, they were sitting and Jungkook was in his serious mode.

"Fake love sounds like a heartbreak song. How a person was under the impression that their partner loved them but it was all a lie." Jungkook said.

"Excellent!" Lisa exclaimed, proud of how her student was learning this at such a fast pace.

"And do you think that the person who wrote the song was in love?" Lisa asked.

"Yes. That's the reason why it hurts him so much. When you are in love with someone, anyone. When you make them your world, you trust them, chose them over anything and everything. When that person stabs you from behind, it hurts the most" He said.

"Good" Lisa said. "Now note down whatever you said. That is the first phase, that is, your introduction to the report."

"Oh this is easy" He said.

"Of course." Lisa said and grabbed her bag. "That's it for today. We will continue tomorrow." She said as she started packing.

"Lisa wait" Jungkook said. "I have a question."

"What?" Lisa asked.

"First promise me that you will answer it."

"Jesus, you do make people promise a lot. Okay." Lisa said. She was in a good mood today.

"Why you don't like calling people your friends" He asked.

"It's not like that. A friend should be close to me. I would rather have only one good friend than thousand frinds who talk behind my back."

"But still, you are really guarded Lisa" Jungkook said.

He did not expect any answer. He expected Lisa to ignore him and take her leave. But he was surprised when she answered. Lisa was too, she didn't know what got into her that she answered his question. That is not something Lalisa would do. But again, Jungkook make her go against her own principles. She thought no one could handle her but guess she was wrong.

"You know Jeon, just because we can speak we take the words too lightly. We use strong words like love, hate, curse, like, friends, and so many more too lightly. Sometimes I wonder how would the world be if we felt whatever we said. What if words were an unbreakable bond, you cannot take them back once you said it. Would we be so careless then too?" She said staring at nothing but air.

Lisa then gulped and squeaked a small goodbye and went away.

That night Jungkook couldn't sleep at all.

what if we felt whatever we said

what if we felt whatever we said

what if we felt whatever we said

what if we felt whatever we said

what if we felt whatever we said

These were just mere words to say the least but they were too deep. So much that they scared him. 'There is so much to figure out in the mystery, in Lisa'


Hiiii loves!! Sorry for my irregular updates. I have been quite busy these days. Hehe

Hope you liked the chapter.

THE ALBUM is one of the best albums ever!!! Jisoo finally has the most lines in You Never Know. Ps I cried after listening to that song. All The songs were dope.

My favs were Lovesick Girls and Love to hate me. What were yours?

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