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it was late noon and her schedule for the day had ended early so she decided to do a vlive.

"your so beautiful unnie," she smiled at the comment and giggled, "thank you~ i'm sure you look beautiful too." she leaned closer to the screen to read more comments.

"how are you today, you look tired."

"i'm good, just a little sleepy. i haven't been getting good sleep lately though." she confessed with a pout. "but please don't worry, i promise tonight i'll try." she smiled again at all the positive comments flooding in.

"if you had a boyfriend he could cuddle you to sleep." she couldn't hold back the giggle that bubbled in her throat. "oh really now?" she tilted her head in question, "but i don't have a boyfriend right now, i'm alone. what should i do?"

immediately the comments flooded in with answers to her question but one in particular caught her eye, "don't worry babygirl, unnie will be your girlfriend. she'll take care of you."

she looked at camera with wide eyes and a red face before she started giggling profusely, the fans couldn't tell if it were more out of disbelief or embarrassment but their thoughts flooded the comments.

this has the same energy as "are you lost babygirl"

who ever commented that and made her malfunction, is your life complete?

carefully your gay is showing

lesbian ryun confirmed. i can die happy


ryun had never encouraged fans to spend their hard earned money or their parent's hard earned money on her. but fans being fans they don't listen and have given her gifts ranging from adorable headbands to concert tickets to a beyoncé concert. she of course accepts all gifts she can and treasures them as long as she can.

"hi unnie, you don't know how much i love you," said a pretty pale-skinned girl with long black hair and a pink chanel dress. to say the dress, accompanied with the same brand shoes and a pair of expensive looking diamond earrings made her practically glow with beauty made ryun do a double take.

"thank you beautiful." she giggled, flushing slightly at getting caught staring by a fan site, who's camera flash startled her. "may i ask your name?" she smiled as the girl sat down and she signed her album.

"han mi sun." the girl replied confidently.

"that's a—"

"—but you can call me min mi sun," she cut ryun off and brazenly grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers and leaned forward. "i've loved you since before debut, and i've come today to confess my love."

that caught ryun off guard and she couldn't help but gap, "oh?"

"mhm," mi sun nodded, suddenly getting up from her seat and taking ryun with her as she moved them to the end of the table and she got down in one knee.

"min hei-ran," she began but was stalled when ryun's bodyguards came to grab the girl.

"no it's alright, she's alright." giving them a reassuring smile they hesitantly stepped back and let the scene continue.

"min hei-ran," mi sun began again dramatically, "will you make me the happiest woman on the planet and marry me?" she pulled out a small black box and opened it. there was a small ring inside and ryun's eyes almost popped out of her head when she read the top of the box and it said tiffany&co.

ryun gapped at when she saw the small rose-gold ring inside the box. she couldn't bring herself to come up with an answer but fans had began cheering loudly and chanting "say yes."

"uh," the chanting continued and mi sun showed no sign of relenting as she smiled up brightly at ryun. giving into the pressure, she shrugged and said a mental "fuck it."

meeting mi sun's eyes, she smiled, "of course i'll marry you."


ryun during fan signs is known for being quite the shameless flirt. she loves to tease and fluster her fans, while rarely getting flustered by them in return. moments where fans do successful fluster the idol are few and far between and often catch a lot of attention. this is one of those moments.

something to notes was, ryun loves and appreciates all her fans. regardless of ethnicity, background, sex, or sexual orientation. she adores them all and loves meeting them face to face.

whether they spoke korean or not didn't matter to her, she spoke and understood several other languages and even the ones she didn't she respected wholeheartedly. if a foreign fan did speak korean, it was a plus.

she also didn't care how her fans looked. she was lucky to blessed with amazing genetics and knew she was attractive but she wasn't one to judge people over something they couldn't control. if a fan happened to peak her interest and were especially beautiful, well then that was another plus.

that being said, foreign fans that were fluent in korean and were as beautiful as the fan sitting infront of her now, were the bane of her existence.

valentina, as the fan had told her, was a gorgeous latina fan of ryun's. with glowing tan skin, long wavy hair, sparkling brown eyes, and a bright pearly-white smile, ryun could hardly keep her eyes off of her.

when she had introduced herself, in fluent korean, ryun had been taken aback. of course she knew people outside of korea spoke korean but it was very rarely that she'd met them, especially at a fan sign. she had a bit of an accent, but it only added to her charm ryun concluded.

their conversation, as short as it was bound to be, was a pleasant one as valentina shameless, though admittedly smoothly, flirted with ryun, who not so gracefully hung onto every word.

"i have a gift for you, i hope you like it ryun." valentina's perfect teeth formed into a blindingly bright smile as she pulled a pretty medium-sized pink bag into the table and slid it toward ryun.

"i hope you like it, i bought it myself."

immediately her eyes lit up and she dug into the contents of the bag, pulling out argentinian snacks, some she'd never even heard of or tried before. when she got to the bottom there was a card with her name written in prefect cursive, she wouldn't have time to read it now, but she made a mental note to read it after the fan sign.

"oh my god, thank you! there's so much!" the overwhelming amount of delicious snacks left her flustered. "i'm grateful but you shouldn't have spent this much on me! its too much! you should have saved your money!" she scolded.

valentina giggled, "but this is my first fan sign with you, i wanted to get you something special!"

ryun was flattered, "i'm glad to meet you valentina, but next time promise you won't spend this much money on a stranger like me! spend your money on yourself!"

valentina's melodic laugh made ryun serious attempt at scolding hard and brought a small blush to cheeks, "okay, okay, i promise."

ryun narrowed her eyes not so intimidatingly, "you better."

ryun smiled widely before her one of her staff gestured for her to keep moving. "i hope i see you again, a face like your isn't very forgetable."

valentina smirked, "i know, you will." her sudden confidence caught ryun off guard.

as valentina got ready to move she slid her hands into ryun's, lacing their fingers together, "i hope you enjoy the snacks. i picked out ones i knew you'd like. remember to tell me which ones you like most next time." she let go of their hands and stepped away, leaving with a wink and the same dazzling smile she came with.

as ryun was left to process what had just happened she knew she definitely wouldn't be forgetting valentina.

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