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she met ateez in 2019 through her cousin who is close friends with yunho

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she met ateez in 2019 through her cousin who is close friends with yunho. ateez were already fans of her music, and freaked out when they found out she would be joining them. while meeting, they were all very friendly, however, yeosang's impression on her stuck out the most. he didn't talk much to her and barely looked her in the eyes when he did speak. ryun, ever fond of the quiet and shy types, found him interesting and wanted to know more about him. she asked him for his number, as well as the rest of the member's numbers. she texted him first, and though it was awkward at first, they were able to strike up a good friendship. they never really interact or talk about their friendship in public due to a possible misunderstanding, but keep up over text often.


woozi had been a fan of ryun's before they met

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woozi had been a fan of ryun's before they met. he listened to and liked her debut album and had watched many of her performances. he was among the fans anticipating her first comeback, and was actually one of the few people to enjoy the title track. he found her voice very pretty and appreciated her presence on-stage. they had run into each other before backstage at other music shows and she was always very kind and personable to him and the svt members. the formation of their friendship was the result of an encounter backstage at a music show where both were performing. ryun performed before svt, and woozi watched the performance. he wanted to compliment her, but being a very shy and introverted person, was too embarrassed to approach her. it took encouragement from s.coups and jeonghan, for him to approach her. their conversation started awkward at first because he didn't know what to say, but she reassured him and they fell into a natural comfortability. he expressed how much of a fan he was of her music and performance; and she, praised his skill and dedication to svt's discography. their conversation lasted until svt was set to perform and they exchanged numbers. they have become very close and ryun often comes to woozi when she has trouble with her music. he in turn, goes to her when he is feeling creatively drained and in-need of rest and recuperation. they don't go out regularly, due to the man being a homebody, but they do enjoy having dinner and a movie together, as well as small met-ups between schedules. she is one of the few people he is willing to stop working in his studio for it'd she asks to talk or hangout. she has developed a habit of making sure to text him every morning and night, which she only does with her family. their friendship is known to the public and has evolved into ryun's most popular ship because of their time on we got married in 2018.

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