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"we were everything one day, and then you...just left. why?"
"i'm sorry."
2012 - 2016 (4yrs)

they met as trainees through a mutual friend in 2012

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they met as trainees through a mutual friend in 2012. their friendship began fast and romantic feelings between the two began even faster. they began dating by the end of the year.

their relationship itself was a sweet one up until the end. once they moved past the awkward phase that came with first time relationships, they settled into things comfortably.

talking to each other was never a problem, both spoke english and had healthy communication skills. skinship wasn't either as long as it was kept in private. keeping their relationship just between the two them should have been their only real concern as their companies had rules, but they didn't worry much about it as they were careful to never raise any suspicion and never told a soul outside of those close to them.

by their first anniversary ryun knew she was completely in love with chan, she ended up telling him that night when they were out on a date and it was one of the happiest in her life (then) when he replied he felt the same way.

they continued to date without any problems besides the normal disagreements couples have up until late 2015 when ryun received the news that cube planned to debut her in february 2016. she was of course elated at the news and the same day went to tell chan when they met up for the night. she expected him to be just as excited as she was but instead he immediately shut down. when ryun asked what was wrong he remained emotionless and left her alone.

later when she tried to contact him, he didn't answer her calls or texts. when she went to confront him in person, he dodged her questions and told her he was busy and needed space. she ended up leaving dejected and confused, but did as he wished.

weeks turned into months before ryun spoke to chan again, in that time she had almost finished her preparation for her debut and hadn't had time to worry about their relationship. chan during that time did nothing but think about ryun, how much he had fucked up, and what he was going to do when ryun inevitably broke up with him.

when they finally met up, with chan being the one to request it, ryun asked him one last time why he had been acting the way he was. again he refused to tell her and unable to accept the bullshit anymore, she suggested they breakup. he agreed and they broke up that night and she left, it was a mutual breakup.

a few weeks after their breakup ryun debuted. she had a broken heart but with cheering up from hwasa and her team, she was able to pull through with a smile on her face.

their relationship ended on a sour note with many mistakes made by two young, emotionally inexperienced people. ryun doesn't regret the relationship. she has accepted that bangchan was just a young person who made mistakes, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. she doesn't hate him and wishes him well. however, she never wants to hear from or see him again. he was her past, she doesn't want him in her future. bangchan regrets how things ended and desires to apologize appropriately for how he treated her. he would like closure on his first love.

RELATIONSHIPS STATUS no contact; bangchan wants closure; ryun wants him to be happy, but never wants to see him again

"thank you for showing me love when i thought it was dead."
"boys are temporary, best friends are forever."
2016 - 2016 (3mths)

what began as hwasa trying to heal her best friend's broken heart by taking her out to drink and mingle quickly spiraled into several drunken kisses that lead ryun to question the nature of their relationship

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what began as hwasa trying to heal her best friend's broken heart by taking her out to drink and mingle quickly spiraled into several drunken kisses that lead ryun to question the nature of their relationship.

when talking to hwasa about these confusing feelings she was having for her, hwasa suggested they date casually and see where things go. she was comfortable enough with her own sexuality to try it and ryun needed something to do to get her breakup with chan out of her mind.

they dated for three months, and they were honestly some of the best three months of ryun's life. hwasa was the prefect partner. attentive, trustworthy, patient, and loving. since she had been ryun's best friend since 2014 so she already knew everything about her and already loved her. being with hwasa not only helped her get over chan but it made her realize even though she prefers men more than women, she can still fall for the right woman.

their relationship came to an end when their companies found out, and gave them a ultimatum to either breakup or leave. they chose to breakup for the betterment of their careers and friendship.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS soulmates in every timeline or universe

"you know someday you'll be more than just
my virtual wife right?"
"i'll be waiting."
2018 - present

woozi was a fan of ryun before officially meeting her backstage at a music show she and svt were performing at

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woozi was a fan of ryun before officially meeting her backstage at a music show she and svt were performing at. he was too shy to introduce himself, so s.coups and jeonghan approached her first and began a conversation. once the awkwardness wore off, they fell into an easy conservation. woozi expresed how much of a fan he was of her music and performances, and ryun complimented his hard work and dedication to svt. eventually svt had to perform and ryun had to leave so they exchanged numbers and promised to reach out. keeping that promise, woozi text her first and a friendship developed soon after. at first they wouldn't meet often but text and called everyday. when they got more comfortable, they would go out to lunch or hangout together. when it was announced that they would star on we got married season 5 together their friendship was exposed to the public. their run on the show became extremely successful and they built genuine romantic feelings for one another. they would reveal those feelings to each other during the turn of the new year in 2018.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS two halves of the same heart; want to spend how ever long "forever" is together and whatever comes after that

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