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( daichi )

if there was one thing ryun knew about the other half of her managing team it was that he hated surprises. he preferred knowing things and being in control of those things, it was what made him such a good manager for ryun, everyday with her was a new surprise and nobody could keep up with her better than daichi.

"we are so fucking dead if he catches us," kieran, one of her bodyguard whispered, as he carried a freezing ryun into the apartment building on his back.

"key word: catches. which he won't, have some faith oppa." ryun said shivering and pressed her face into his neck when a cold breeze passed over them. her grip around his neck tightened almost suffocating him, before she relaxed when they got into the building and entered the elevator.

"i told you to bring a real jacket," he started pressing the button to daichi's floor, "but no, you're a big girl, who can make her own decisions." he mocked her statement from earlier that morning, causing her to wack the side of his head.

"ow." he winced.

"that's not how i sound, and besides you're the one who let me fall asleep. i didn't even have time to find real clothes," she complained, referring to the black joggers, tanktop, and grey hoodie she stole from jihoon she was in. her face was makeup free and her hair was thrown up, she wasn't even wearing real shoes, just a pair of tie-dye crocs. kieran snickered as the elevator came to a stop with a ding and the doors opened.

"it's not my fault you have the same sleep schedule as a 10-year-old." ryun could never make it past 11:00 pm, her body just wasn't programmed to do so. she sulked at the realization he was right until they reached daichi and his girlfriend, meilin's, apartment door. kieran knocked instead of ringing the bell as to not wake daichi and waited until meilin opened the door. both smiled and ryun silently waved as kieran walked both of them inside and meilin updated them on what was happening.

"is everybody here?" ryun asked jumping off of kieran's back once they'd taken off their shoes and entered the kitchen.

"yep, we were just waiting on you guys." she affirmed, referring to ryun's whole team plus duri's wife, and kiyomi's husband and child. "everything's setup we just need to wake dai up." meilin hummed, lighting the candles on the cake. "ready?" she asked picking up the cake.

"yep!" ryun smiled and ran into the living room, "come on guys!" she exclaimed running from the living into daichi and meilin's bedroom. flipping on the lights she leapt on his body followed by eito, byungwoo, and esther.

"happy birthday halabeojji!" everyone exclaimed together ensuring that if the weight of four people on top of him didn't wake him then the noise would. meilin was the last to enter the room with the chocolate two-later cake decorated with colorful icing and lit candles.

"happy birthday, honey!" meilin smiled.

"you've got one seconds to get the fuck off me and two to run." daichi didn't peek his head out of the blanket but everybody could tell from the taut tone of his voice that he was threatening the four on top of him. ryun and others didn't make a move.

"one... two... thr—"

"haul ass!" byungwoo yelped grabbing esther's hand as ryun grabbed eito and they jumped off daichi who had suddenly lurched upward in bed. "you're dead!" he growled jumping up after them without a shirt or pants on. everybody else in the room were left giggling messes at the scene.

( jiah, moonie )

"jiji-unnie this is for you, and nini-unnie this is for you," the petite girl eagerly explained, handing the small purple gift bags to her two elder staff members.

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