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Gulf's P.O.V:

I sat down in front of Lhong and his father.

We were in a restaurant.

His siblings were also present.

"My daughter said that you had something to say" Lhong's father said.

I gritted my teeth but smiled nonetheless.

The waiter arrived with the orders.

"Yes I wanted to apologise...To Lhong" I said.

"Nong Lhong tell us what happened exactly" Lhong's father said.

Lhong was about to say something but Krit spoke first.

"He did nothing wrong dad I mean what Gulf did to him was way worse" Krit said.

I clenched my hands into tight fists and looked down at the table trying my best not to lose my cool.

"P'Krit stop" Lhong said.

"Nong Krit I think Nong Lhong can speak for himself" Their father said.

"Dad this person hurt both Ai Lhong and Ai Sanran how can you still want to defend him?" Krit said.

"I'M NOT DEFENDING ANYONE... Everything happens for a reason what's your reason to do that to my son?" He asked me.

"He...Hurt..." I started.

"I hurt his brother" Lhong said causing me to look up shocked.

I pursed my lips into a thin line.

"How did you hurt him?" Lhong's father asked.

"I...I kidnapped him...And got him tortured for six months until he lost his mind...He has been recovering well for two years now" Lhong said.

"And why did you do that?" P'Sanran asked.

"Because...I...Ummm..." He started stuttering.

"Because he loved my brother's partner" I said choosing not to reveal the gender.

Lhong's father sighed heavily and nodded.

"We'll compensate you and your family properly...Tell us your demands" Lhong's father said.

My demands?

What the hell?

I clenched my hands again and looked at the floor angrily.

"What about your side of the story though Nong?" The man asked.

I looked up at him then took a deep breath.

"What do you think I'd do?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I understand what your anger is coming from but I think you also understand he's my son...So my question is simple...What did you do to my son?" He asked.

I smirked when I realised that there's no more room for the reasoning P'Sanran hoped for.

"Dad...They were both wrong you should be fair" P'Sanran said desperately.

I laughed hard and shook my head.

"Fair how? It's either we bury this grudge or report both of them to the police don't you think?" The man said.

"Well...You have a point here Khun so I'll tell you what happened exactly...Your son after torturing my brother...I was away in Germany at that time we met there briefly as you know how I saved his life that day...I intended to keep it like that but when I knew about what happened to Ai Type and your son's hand in this I knew I couldn't let it slide...And that's exactly what I did...So I pretended to be in love with your daughter...Got closer to your family to make sure Lhong doesn't forget what he did...Your son was right in everything he said...I gave him hallucination pills and planned everything to torture him...Because why do you think I should let it slide? Especially after your eldest son worked hard to cover up the case and kill me?" I asked.

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