After a week of travelling, Su collapsed on the grass next to a river, the hill she laid on overlooked the sea. She was surprised when Bataar sat next to her, him too laying down with his head on his hands.

"What are you looking for Su? What's kept you wandering for so long." Su couldn't help but chuckle. His random little questions, always seemed to align with her current thought process.

"Honestly, I don't know." He turned his face to look at hers.

"Where do you see yourself, in five years? Where do you want to be?" This came as a surprise to Suyin, because she didn't even have to think about it.

"I guess I want to be married, or in a relationship. Surrounded by loved ones, and living in a city. Spending holidays with my mother and sister, living a large house so all my kids have their own rooms."

"You want a family?" He asked. The sudden realization hit Su, and she remembered something Zuko had said to her just a few weeks prior "the problem is often something within yourself."

"I do," she said, admitting it to the warm summer air. "I want a family again." She turned her head from the trees and met Bataars eyes. "Can you see it here, Bataar?" She asked.

"See what?"

"Your domes. The city you have basically already designed. We could build it you know."

"A whole city Su that would take-"

"Years? Yeah it would, but it would be worth it." Bataar looked at her and smiled. His eyes returned to the trees."

"How do we even start?" He asked.

"We get the land. And then I bend some rocks." He chuckled, and she felt her face go red when his hand slid over hers.

"Let's do it, " he said, sitting up.


"Yeah, you have a vision of yourself in five years, we better not waste time!" Su smiled and sat upright alongside him. And she wasn't sure if it was the pent up feelings or the moment of excitement but she leaned in and kissed him. And to her surprise, he kissed her back.


2 years later

"It is my understanding that you have each written vows?" Suyin nodded, pulling out the slip of paper she had carried with her all morning.

"When I boarded that boat, and took a seat next to a random stranger, I never would of thought that stranger would be here with me today. In our city, marrying me. Bataar you have brought me all the joy that I could ever ask for and then some. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you." She wiped a tear from her eye and Bataar took hold of her face.

"I remember thinking, when someone took a seat beside me on the ferry, instead of on the perfectly fine empty seat across the isle, who is this weirdo? But then I pulled my face out of my papers, and there you were, sitting there, wavy goodbye to your friend like the dorky girl you secretly are. And suddenly, I didn't mind at all. I love you Su, and I can't wait to wake up with you everyday, thinking about how much you've done for me, and for us."

"Bataar, do you take Suyin Beifong to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Aiwei said.

"I do," Bataar replied, his hands trembling.

"Suyin Beifong, do you take Bataar to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she replied, with no hesitation.

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