Ch 11

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I have been waiting so long to write it, and well this one as well. Some things will be revealed in this chapter. Also, Lucius is finally here. There's one more canon character I want to add, but sadly, he won't make an appearance soon. Any guesses on who could he be? Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

"Hello son." Lucius Malfoy said as he entered the room. 

"Father." Draco gave him a curt nod, and turned his attention back to his daughter, who was sleeping in his best friend's arms. 

The Malfoy patriarch walked towards his wife, who was standing next to the bed on which his daughter in law was resting. "Congratulations to you both." He said, smiling at her and his son. 

But that smile soon faltered as he saw who was holding his granddaughter. Until now, he hadn't noticed her because Draco was standing in front of her, while quietly talking to her and Harry. 

"What is this mudblood doing here?" Lucius spat. 

"Father!" Draco shouted at the same time as Narcissa hissed, "Lucius."

But Lucius ignored them, and instead said, "Can someone please tell me what is this mudblood doing here? She has no right to be here." 

Draco walked towards his father and glared at him. "Granger is my best friend, and she has as much right to be here as anyone else. Hell, if it weren't for her, I would have had a panic attack before coming here." 

Of course, the older Malfoy wasn't paying attention to him. He had just come back from France, and he had not expected to see Hermione here. "I will not tolerate a mudblood carrying my granddaughter."

"You-" Draco was about to say something when Hermione stopped him. "Draco! Stop this right now. Athena is sleeping, and you don't have to fight over such petty issues. Control yourself, Draco. And you, Mr Malfoy, have no right to call me that word. No, it doesn't affect me anymore, but honestly, you should grow up, and stop believing in those things."

Lucius glared at her. "How dare you-" But was cut off by his wife. 

Narcissa had had enough. "Lucius." She glared at him. "I will not tolerate anyone, specially you, insulting Hermione, she is family. I did not ask you to come back just to use that derogatory word even after we have had stopped believing in blood purity." 

"You can either be a nice person and apologise to her, or you will face my wrath. And need I remind you that it will not be good?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

Before anyone could say anything, Draco grabbed his father's arm and dragged him outside, all the while saying, "Nobody can insult Granger in front of me, and expect me to stay calm and do nothing." 

The rest of the people looked at each other, the silence becoming uncomfortable. Hermione was not looking at anyone, and instead focused her attention to Athena, who was sleeping. 

Blaise cleared his throat. "Chocolate cake, anyone?" He looked at the others who were simply staring at him. "I promise I make it better than Draco. I remember what he did when he tried to bake one, a very funny and interesting story." 

All everyone could do was blink at him. 

Lucius Malfoy had shocked everyone with the way he talked about her. They had thought that he had abandoned the idea of blood prejudice. 

Talk about being dramatic. 


"What is wrong with you?" Draco snarled as soon as he shut the door behind him. He had taken his father to the first empty room he could find, having no doubt that things he wouldn't like anyone to hear would be mentioned.

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