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To remember your mouth, how it tasted true,

Eventually it was inventible,
Levi and her would cross paths. They did in every other life, this one wouldn't be any different.

He couldn't contain himself.

In his brain he was screaming at himself, telling himself to stop and to go no further. He kept reminding himself the situations he created in his mind, of her calling him a school shooter. He kept yelling inside his head that he was disgusting, filthily and that he'd ruin her precious beauty with his ugliness.

But no matter what he said, his legs kept running.
He ran towards the girl, wearing the school uniform he also wore.
For her, it was a plaid maroon skirt with sheer black tights, and a dark grey sweater with red stripes at the sleeves, since it was now fall and getting a bit chilly.
For Levi, it was plaid maroon slacks, with a white button and a dark grey vest, a black light-weighted windbreaker jacket he'd threw on this morning.

He kept running, the biggest, dummy and gummy smile on his face.
When he approached the girl, she looked frightened, caught off guard. It wasn't for the reason he thought so, but rather she never seen him before and was startled by his sweating and panting body.

"Hi, I'm Levi Ackerman, in grade 12, will you go out with me on a date?"
Levi asked, the hugest smile on his face, not even realizing what had just splurged out his mouth. He sighed, trying to inhale more oxygen for his working body.

"M-me? A d-date w-with y-you?"
The smile on Levi's face disappeared, returning to a deep frown, quickly. Quicker than the wind. She thinks I'm weird, I'm disgusting.

His anxiety was worsening, oh no. He felt like dying, like screaming in the moment. He regretted his words, instantly.

"When? Where?"
The girl smiled up at Levi, he was short for a man, standing at 5'6, but she was shorter at 5'2.

"Give me the date and time, I'll be there, handsome."

Levi watched as she smiled so genuinely at him.
Handsome? She didn't think he was disgusting?
She held out her hand for a hand sake, surprising Levi. She wanted to touch him?
Without a second thought, he shook her hand.

"I'm Mun Chun Hwa, Levi."
"Nice to meet you, Chun Hwa. Let's go to a cafe on Sunday, at 2, downtown. Afterwards, we can go to fall festival."
"I like that idea."

And just as quickly as that, they had swapped phone numbers.

Levi walked her to her class, holding her hand.
Even that day, when they departed at the entrance gates of the school, Levi kissed her hand goodbye, to which she melodically giggled at.

Well Levi was ecstatic, never happier before.

That night, his mother died, for unknown reasons, in her sleep.

Levi sat at his designated table, awaiting for the young girl to come back for their first official session. He was yet again, ecstatic.
He missed her so much, even if she couldn't remember him.

His eyes trailed her, watching as she walked in the hallways, out through the large glass window that separated them.
She had entered the room, Levi's eyes not leaving her even for a second.
Chun Hwa sat at the desk, doing a quick introduction of asking how Levi was for today, his answer sarcastic as ever.

"Alright, I have your diagnoses here today, so why don't we come up with a treatment plan."
She licked her finger, to flip through the pages in the book below her person, carefully eyeing every single bit of information given to her.

"You aren't going to diagnose me, doctor? Isn't that your job? Have you already failed?"
Levi teased, menacingly, his face clearly show an emotion of evil intent.

"Levi, you're self admitted, clearly you knew your problems before entering."
Quickly his face dropped, disappointed and slightly embarrassed he didn't get to her and she instead came back with her smart ass mouth, like always.

She threw her pen against her book, lifting her head up to smile at Levi.
"Let's weigh you, measure your height and come up with a meal plan suitable for you, alright?"


After the said tasks were done, together Chun-Hwa was creating Levi's meal plan in silence.
Little to her knowledge, Levi was staring at her. Watching the way she licked her lips, the way she held herself, the way she wrote letters so neatly and beautifully, the way she kept tucking one singular strand of hair behind her ear and it continuously fell in front of her face.

"Hey, In order to become a therapist, don't you have to deal with your problems first?"
Levi asked, sucking in his breath, glancing around the room a tad bit nervously.
"Yes. You do."

"Then can a person become a therapist with amnesia?"
The raven haired man pondered.
"Yeah, I suppose so."


Quickly, Chun-Hwa had finished her day's work, she started to go back home to Erwin.
Today, she had driven herself to her intern at the hospital.
Erwin often drove Chun-Hwa wherever, whenever, for reasons she did not know why. He seem to be overly nervous whenever she drove by herself without him, and today was no different.

In her white Mercedes-Benz, while she was crossing the bridge to get home, Erwin had called her, using Bluetooth connection, she answered, her eyes carefully scanning the road, as she merged lanes.

"Hey baby, just won-"

Chun Hwa screamed out in an instant panic, honking her honk as loudly and deliberately as possible. Her heavy breathing from almost being crush by the other car could be heard on Erwin's end.

"C-Chun Hwa!! W-what happened! Stay there! Pull over I'll pick you up!! Just tell me where!!"
Erwin panicked, grabbing his keys and quickly throwing on his shoes.

Her eyebrow twitched in confusion, glancing down at her stereo. He's always like this when this stuff happens..
"Erwin, I'm fine. This idiot just doesn't know how to use a fucking signal light. I'll be home in five minutes... it'll be pointless for you to come get me now. I love you."

"Okay... I love you too"

𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 + 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora