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Tough Love
You can lean on my arm

"How come your dad is never home?"
Chun-Hwa asked Levi ignorantly, trailing her finger against his bare chest she laid on.

Levi swallowed his pride, his arm that held Chun-Hwa in his arms in under the sheets tighten around her. He shakily placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My mom was a prostitute, Chun-Hwa. My dad is just some old, forgotten man who paid my mom to have sex with her."
He spoke, his lips still hovering over where he planted his kiss on her forehead, his dull grey eyes averted over in some duty corner.

"That must've been tough."
Her hand caressed his cheek, making him look down at the woman in his bed.

"Not really. I liked just having mom."
Levi gave her a small smile before getting up and tugging on his boxers and pants that laid on the floor.

He picked up her bra and underwear throwing it at her playful, she giggled as the garments hit her in the face, starting to put her clothing back on.
He buttoned up his jeans before he tattled the woman down to the bed, he humourlessly kissed her neck all over, making her giggle and squeal loudly, as he helped her put back on her own clothes.

"I love you, Chun-Hwa."
"I love you too, Levi."

The end of the school year, the Play the school had put on, was inspired by the infamous musical Heathers, ironically enough, Chun-Hwa, a student in theatre, was Veronica. The boy who played J.D was a mere nobody in Levi's physics class that semester. Many students would've agreed that the play partners looked mismatched for one another.

However they did their parts, as well as the three different kiss scenes that were included, and they stood at the front of the stage, sweaty and breathless, holding hands as the students clapped their appreciation. It ticked Levi off to say the less, as he breathed heavily in his clenched hand, his eyes and mind blank.

Erwin Smith, who sat directly, wether intentionally or not, in front of Levi, stood up, clapping the loudest he could, before he cupped his hands over hi mouth, cheering vocally.
Levi let out a tch, as he tried to peer over Erwin to look at Chun-Hwa's happy face, but when he did catch a glimpse of her through the crowd, her eyes sparkled like stars in under the stage lights, as she stared at Erwin with a big smile on her face.

After the show, when she was leaving the stage, Erwin was beside the stairs, holding a bouquet of yellow roses, as Levi leaned against the railing with his hands in his pocket, nonchalant.
The girl, now in her own clothing started to walk towards the two, however Erwin rushed up the stairs, passed Levi, giving her the bouquet, as she thanked him relentlessly for his admiration.
Levi simply glared at the two, his jaw clenched.

Within the following days, the boy who played J.D magically, somehow, passed away due to a drug overdose in the boy's bathroom.

The following summer, Chun-Hwa had a skating competition that would've determined if she could qualify to try out for the France's Olympics Team.

Levi had expressed his hatred for her to get into the public's eye, especially because of the Olympics, as he put it, "in a slutty, skimpy outfit that covers nothing." So as she skated out on the ice, she surprised to see him there, sitting cold eyed in the crowd. She smiled at him, giving a kiss by blowing it off her hand. She giggled, as she skated into the middle of the rank to get into her starting position.

Though, Levi sat unfazed at the air kiss, completely ignoring it.

The music started, and as Chun-Hwa started to skate around the rank, the moment she took her first jump, her blade came unbolted from the boot, ultimately as she fell, not only did she busted her lip, cheek and knee, splattering blood across the white ice, but as well as the blade came up and flung into her wrist, missing a major vein only by a few millimetres.

She cried and whimpered in a pool of her own blood, smeared across the ice, freaking out at the sight of her own bodily fluids.
The paramedics on scene quickly rushed her out to the hospital, so that the next skater could come on, which sadly disqualified Chun-Hwa.

At the hospital, her father who practically raised her to he a figure skating star, sat disappointed in the chair next to her.
Levi next to her on the cot bed, playing with her hair, as she sobbed about how she messed up the only good thing she had in life into his shoulder. He said nothing, but watched her failure that played on the News on the Hospital's TV that was directly in front of her bed.

He had to refrain himself from smirking when he seen her blade come off.

He didn't expect her to have her wrists slashed, he just wanted her to bust her knee open.

The investigator from the skating competition came in her room, later that night to tell her if the incident was merely a freak accident or if someone had plotted to hurt her.

He started off shaking the girl's hand before he told her,
"Ms. Mun, it seems like whoever done this, carefully unscrewed the bolts on your skate just enough that it wouldn't come undone until you made a jump. I have a suspicion that whoever done this, did not want to hurt you, they just wanted to disqualify you. For that reason, we'll be doing a further investigation on your competitors. I give my condolences for what had happened."
He gave a small, tugged-lip smile before he pulled her father out of the room to discuss with him what would happen further.

A nurse soon came in after that, telling Chun-Hwa that her knee, would forever cause her some problems in her life and never would fully heal due to the weight put onto it when it broke.

From there, Chun-Hwa's dad never respected her the same since.
He viewed his daughter as failure, as someone who took all the money he spent on skating lessons so she could succeed in life, as someone who was at fault in the situation.

He screamed at his daughter that night for hours on hour, on how she was truly useless.

After the car crash that happened two years later, her knee, having already been broken, broke yet again, messing up the bone placement even more.

Erwin tried to get her to keep skating, though even he could see, she simply could not perform the way she used to.

She sat on the ice rank, rubbing her knee that was causing her pain, lightly out of breath, as Erwin skated over to her, handing her a reusable bottle of water.
She thanked him, smiling at him with loving eyes.

She took a sip of water before she told him, staring into the abyss,
"I want to become a therapist."

"Then do it, dear."
Erwin assured her, sitting down beside her.

"I have no money to pursue university, I don't want to take out student loan's, my dad won't help me in anything unless it's skating..."
She sighed.

"I'll pay for it."
Erwin said nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders as she glared over at him as if to say absolutely not but he only chuckled at her expression, ruffling her hair that was coming undone from its ponytail.

"My plastic surgery business is taking off, I have high hopes I'll be able to pay for your university if that's what you want to do, my love."
She leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling as she watched the little toddlers skate with their parents.

"Really, Chun-Hwa. Depend on me. I want to take care of you for the rest of your life. Nothing makes me happier."

"I love you, Erwin.."
She whispered, turning her head so she could look at his bright blue eyes that reflected the lightness of ice. He glowed, like nobody else she had seen before. He was handsome, he was beautiful, he was home for her.

"I love you too, Chun-Hwa."
He giggled, feeling all the same emotions as her, and more.

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